During this Christmas season, there have been several things in the news that put Christians in a bad light.
One of my friends posted this on Facebook today.....
"Now I have heard it all. My sister (my biological sister - I'm the oldest and was adopted, so we weren't raised together) is Jewish. She was having breakfast at a fast food place this [morning] when she was approached by an older man who asked her if she had accepted Jesus as her personal savior. She said, "No, sir. I'm Jewish.", this ASSWIPE SPIT on HER SHOES and WALKED AWAY. Now, I'm Catholic and I would not stand for bullshit like this for one second. I'm so glad I wasn't there, because someone would have needed to scrape up my bail money."
How can that man think this is the way Christians are supposed to act toward their fellow man?
She further reported "Well, the restaurant (Hardee's) did tell him to leave and that there was nothing for him there and offered my sister a ride home and even packed up a to-go (free of charge) vegetarian breakfast for her to take to our mom, so I'll give them credit for standing up for her."
Hooray for Hardee's!! I hope all of us will patronize Hardee's at least once in the next month to thank them for their actions - I know I will. This happened in another southern state, but I hope it reflects an attitude held in all Hardee's.
The Duck Dynasty people have been in the news lately. I have never watched that show, since my personal prejudices extend to men who choose to present themselves to the world with unkempt beards, camouflage clothing and a "better then thou" attitude justified by their take on religion. My opinion is that if a man is homeless or destitute, he can look like that (with no quarrel from me) because he has little opportunity to clean up. But when people who have money and could clean up, shave and dress in clean clothing don't - then I cannot abide it.
I have read various reports of what the man said that is inflaming everyone and dividing the country. He has every right to voice his opinion, however I think it was ill-advised that he do so when the network that hosts his show does not share his opinions.
This is not a first
amendment issue......his rights are not being violated. He said what he believes and the network doesn't agree.....so they "sat him down in a chair to think about his words and actions", as my mom used to do to me when I had been bad or said something I shouldn't have.
amendment issue......his rights are not being violated. He said what he believes and the network doesn't agree.....so they "sat him down in a chair to think about his words and actions", as my mom used to do to me when I had been bad or said something I shouldn't have.
What he fails to note is that Jesus, the one whom he says is against the actions of gays and lesbians, also commanded that we love one another. I have been on this soap box before and I am sure it will not be the last time. Jesus said we should love our neighbor as ourselves. He did not say....."but not if they are homosexual, another religion, another race or creed." He said simply..."LOVE ONE ANOTHER" and "JUDGE NOT, LEST YE BE JUDGED"
So the guy, who talked about black people as if they had never been oppressed, and railed against gays and lesbians and mentioned bestiality in the same sentence....is definitely judging his fellow man. Judging is for GOD to do, not us. When you say that certain people or groups are not going to Heaven because of their actions, you are bringing judgment on them and that is not for us to do. Certainly you can voice your opinion, but leave judgment out of it - as you are not qualified to judge. You can hate the sin - but you must love the sinner. You have no idea what their life path is, and you have no right to judge them for it.
It seems to me that some people have a weird opinion of religion and what it means. I cannot imagine anyone spitting on a person just because they have not accepted Jesus. He has no idea of what it means to be a Christian. Christianity entails charitable acts, which can be interpreted in many ways......but certainly not spitting on a person. It also means we should stand up for our beliefs, but not in ways that put others in a bad light.
I could go on and on, but you probably wouldn't read it anyway.....The trouble is that no one is going to change because of what I write, and yet, I must write it. If even one person reads this and stops to think about what he or she has thought, said or done lately that is judgmental - I have helped. Be peaceful, live and let live, love one another (as He has loved us) and don't judge. Merry Christmas.
P.S. One last thought: I doubt that the show will be cancelled, since it brings in millions for the network and they probably won't want to cut their noses off to spite their faces. But I will never watch it, especially now, because I don't like bigots or what they stand for.
I just love you to pieces Judy :-)
Excellently said Judy!! Hear! Hear! I, like everyone can't help but see all the Hooplaaa about the Duck Dynasty thing..and the outrage about freedom of speech ...but they all fail to compute that it goes both ways! And as an employer, the network also have that same right, to their opinion, and NOT pay him if they so choose!
I have never watched the show either for many of the same reasons you have...Just seeing them puts me off ...
A sermon well preached!
Well said, Judy.
I'm with you... I just don't understand how someone's brain works like that, compartmentalizing is a given with Christianity, but when their actions are so clearly unloving, it's obvious to any and all. All but them? This perspective is rampant, unfortunately.
I used to think, well, the Mormons seem like nice people, and they're entitled, etc. And then they got together with the Knights of Columbus and spent $17million dollars to make sure that CA's Prop 8 was passed, banning gay marriage. The ban lasted 4 years. But I just can't help but think... Jesus the man would have had a cow at them spending that money for that, instead of on the poor, hungry, homeless and sick. They just don't get it, do they?
Thanks for your post.
Merry Christmas from a non-Christian!
Well said, Judy.
I'm with you... I just don't understand how someone's brain works like that, compartmentalizing is a given with Christianity, but when their actions are so clearly unloving, it's obvious to any and all. All but them? This perspective is rampant, unfortunately.
I used to think, well, the Mormons seem like nice people, and they're entitled, etc. And then they got together with the Knights of Columbus and spent $17million dollars to make sure that CA's Prop 8 was passed, banning gay marriage. The ban lasted 4 years. But I just can't help but think... Jesus the man would have had a cow at them spending that money for that, instead of on the poor, hungry, homeless and sick. They just don't get it, do they?
Thanks for your post.
Merry Christmas from a non-Christian!
Thanks, Mahala, the feeling is mutual.
Psst-1st amendment.
Everyone just needs to chill out. We're all different! That's what makes life interesting.
I still would have liked to have been there with my sister this morning....that dude would have gotten an earful (and probably a pantsload full after my venomous rant was over). He's a lucky duck (this time....bwahahaha).
Your two cents is priceless, really. Very well said :)
Good sermon, thanks for sharing your thoughts. I agree with you.
Brava Judy. Love and joy to you always.
I couldn't agree more. I also think the Duck Dynasty cast must be so greedy. If they truly stand by what this guy said, then why not just quit the show. How ironic that it's the week of Christmas, and there's so much hate and judging going on! I sure wish more people were like you. Merry Christmas!
P.S. I have nothing against beards, just long, dirty looking, shaggy, un-trimmed beards.
Judy, your two cents is worth a lot more than most people's two cents, and this post is worth a fortune in common sense. Thank you so much for putting into words what so many of us are just thinking.
I'm with you 150%, my dear Judy. Frankly, I found all of his remarks about blacks and homosexuals, appallingly ignorant and, deeply judgemental. I have never watched this show and have no interest in it---and for sure, NOW, never will watch even out of curiosity. Like you, I have no interest in what bigoted people have to say, except to possibly try and enlighten them---but as you said, it is almost a hopeless task. In the words of Oscar Hammerstein--"You've Got To Be Taught", and when you learn these things so very young, well, it is almost impossible to view things as they really are.
The story about the man spitting---that is very depressing too. Acting in such an un-Christian manor defiles the whole basis of Christ and of what Christianity is all about.
Sometimes, I feel our society and culture is going backwards---but, maybe it s more that people are speaking up in more honest ways---depressingly so, in both these cases....But, this is how a lot of folks still feel. Honestly, I find it rather frightening, as well as very depressing.
I agree, too. People hide behind the First Amendment in order to express their crackpot opinions, yet they don't seem to realize that their comments have consequences. And, so-called Christians seem to think it's ok to condemn or even physically attack people who aren't Christians, and they should'nt have to pay for their actions. Hooray for Hardees!
Spot on Judy! I have watched the show for amusement purposes only, same as any other TV show that I watch but don't take seriously enough to allow it to take over my life or use it as my personal statement to reflect who I am. Most ppl I know who right now are 'standing with Phil,' wouldn't give a rats behind if their neighbor were boycotted for speaking the same thing. It seems to be a 'social status' thing. I read someone else say that there is something 'they' (as in network and government) aren't telling us. Well, duh, just look at the photo and the answer is clear. Sara Palin. She's right there 'standing with Phil.' I personally think it's a ploy for her to get votes to run next election by those foolish enough to fall for this. That's my opinion.
Oh, and shame on that man for spitting on that woman! He's definately not what he proclaims to be!
Spot on Judy! I have watched the show for amusement purposes only, same as any other TV show that I watch but don't take seriously enough to allow it to take over my life or use it as my personal statement to reflect who I am. Most ppl I know who right now are 'standing with Phil,' wouldn't give a rats behind if their neighbor were boycotted for the same thing. It seems to be a 'social status' thing. I read someone else say that there is something 'they' (as in network and government) aren't telling us. Well, duh, just look at the photo and the answer is clear. Sara Palin. She's right there 'standing with Phil.' I personally think it's a ploy for her to get votes to run next election by those foolish enough to fall for this. That's my opinion.
Oh, and shame on that man for spitting on that woman! He's definately not what he proclaims to be!
Thank you for sharing this, Judy. I've never understood why so many among us have chosen to use religious beliefs as the basis for denigrating others and for fomenting hatred.
As you know, I'm Jewish. When I was a kid I played little league baseball in our town just outside Montreal. A French-speaking kid was the star pitcher on the team, and one day he walked up to me, poked me in the chest and said, "You're a JOO-IF". The word "Juif" is French for "Jewish", and he was mispronouncing it in English. I didn't fully appreciate the slur, and let it go.
The next game, he did the same thing. And the next practice, and the game after that. Seven-year-old me eventually figured out what he was doing, and when I did, I smacked him. I'll never forget the derisive tone he used, time and again, to categorize me. Didn't know me from Adam, but knew enough to hate me because of my background.
Coach suspended him and spoke to his parents - who likely instilled the systemic hatred of Jews in him, as so many other pure-laine Quebecois did at the time. I got used to it, learned to live with it, but never fully accepted why people can be so hateful, and for no good reason.
Maybe we'll learn someday, but I'm not hopeful. I'll focus on the folks who get it, and hope the ones who don't get it manage to keep a wide berth around me. What a sad comment on the human condition.
Somebody has to say it.
God bless Judy.
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