at least, I sure hope so. If this bone-chilling cold was going to be the norm around here, I might have to move. I read it was 80* in Arizona today; that sounds like a good place to go!

Maybe some pics of summer days will help you warm up. The top photo is from the early 1940's. These three boys rowed our boat across a river to a beach and picnic area. I don't remember this at all, but I was told by my mom that it happened. What I can't fathom is why she took their photos....LOL
The next photo is one I took of my children and two of their friends in 1974, in February, believe it or not. We had a mild winter that year, and the day they got in the sprinkler, it was 80*. That's not a frequent temp in this area until April or May, so having it in February was a real treat for children - and their parents. One can only hope that we can approach 80* this month!
All the way up to 57 today here in Pancake Flats. I heard it's going to be all the way up to 5 tomorrow. Go figure. Yes, I said five!
Blogger "forced" me to switch on Sunday... (I feel violated) but I haven't had any problems signing in. I did have a Google user name and password before the switch. I also did the test blog to fiddle around with the template, but that was all for naught because it didn't upload the template that I saved and I still had to go back and add things to the real blog. It is also weird that the pictures are centered in Internet Explorer but not in Opera or Firefox.
It hasn't locked me out or prevented any of my comments but the switch definitely didn't increase the speed of loading. Sigh! I still have to put in the verifications at least twice and sign in once in awhile to post a comment.
Great pictures.
I am lauging at "What I can't fathom is why she took their photos...."
The sprinkler looks like so much fun! I remember doing that.
Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one
I love the pics Judy....I think I say that everytime I see some. Oh well. It is very true! I miss the days of front yards and sprinklers....ah, good times.
Here in Paris, we are still waiting for the cold!
80s would be nice. Great pictures.
Oh what I wouldn't do for a run through the sprinklers in 80deg weather right now!
Cute pictures!
The shorts the boys are wearing remind me of the pro wrestlers from back in my childhood. Bruiser Brody, Pampero Firpo and Bruno Sammartino.
I remember those kinds of odd warm days. I remember as a child it being so hot on Christmas day we ran the a/c. That would have been '75 - '78 in Georgia.
I still love a sprinkler. I don't set one up in my front yard and run through it anymore, but when I'm fortunate enough to run past a house with one on, I make sure I slow down long enough to get doused.
Grrrreat pictures!
Judy - today is not going to be as cold.!!!!
It was so warm here yesterday, that I took my doxie for a desert walk. I didn't need a jacket and by the end of our walk she was panting from the heat.
So maybe you need to consider moving to the Mojave Desert. Our weather has much to be desired this time of the year.
Oops, don't know why, but I am having trouble posting a comment on your blog.
Here goes again. The weather here is beautiful. You might want to winter on the Mojave Desert. Think about how much fun we could have.
We began the week w/temps at 5 degrees. Now we're at a balmy 20!
I find this cold so tiring . We have all the heating on and warm clothes and still one's muscles feel tense. Baths rather than showers seem to do the trick.
Great pictures! My kids were swimming yesterday in the evening and it has been so hot down here... :-)
Oh yes, I am ready for a warm up!!! thank you for the sunny and fun pictures.
I hope you are keeping yourself warm!!!
thanks for "warming" up my day with the pics! we're snowed in right now...brrr!
So they had global warming way back in '74, Judy? Who knew?
I can't believe those high-waisted "Johnny Weismuller" swim trunks! lol They almost look like diapers!
It was 82* yesterday here, and now it's 65*... crazy weather.
~S :)
The sun is shining here, and it is about 70 right now, with a high of 74 tomorrow.
I'm hoping for 8 degrees C. Anything that doesn't involve losing skin after exposure will be a welcome change!
OK, Judy...third time trying to leave a comment about those 3 starved, freezing, knobby kneed boys...your mom should have fed them!!!
Do you ski, boat, swim, fish, bike, hike, like antiques, the country, clean air, picnics??? come visit....we have lots of room!
But when, when? There is no warmth in sight here in Boston.
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