Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Odds and Ends ~ 6


As if we don't have enough to worry about, check out this news about women's purses:

gumshoe (GUM-shoo) noun
1. A detective.
2. A rubber overshoe.
[The word is an allusion to the quiet snooping that a detective is supposed
to do.]
The word is an example of the figure of speech called synecdoche in
which a part is used for the whole or vice versa. Another example is
the use of the word crown to refer to a king.

I have never heard of *synecdoche* before, which I find odd for an English major. Did they invent it after I graduated?

Need a good laugh? Read this:

I admit it is rather juvenile, but this guy makes me laugh nearly every day.


Can anyone explain why Jaguar would mail a DVD to ME advertising their new XK? God knows I couldn't afford to buy the rear-view mirror! It is a beautiful car, but as the old saying goes, "If you buy a Jag, get 2 so you'll have something to drive while the other one is in the repair shop."

If you feel inclined to buy one for me, I'll have the convertible, please, preferably in British racing green......LOL


Raggedy said...

Reading blogs is getting expensive; first I torched all my cactus plants now I have to toss all my purses? Good

I think they are adding words when we are not watching.

Hugs and have a wonderful day!

Shephard said...

Visiting from Lady of the Hills...
Great blog, very entertaining and thought-provoking.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I thought there might be germs on a purse, but this is really disgusting. I am going to email the information to a number of friends.

I loved the one on farting. Boy is this guy a good writer. I had a wonderful laugh while reading it.

This is my second attempt to post a comment. I think the last one got lost in cyberspace.

srp said...

My grandpa always said he had one FORD and it was a lemon. He also said Ford stood for Fix Or Repair Daily!

Chancy said...

Oh my heavens about the places our purses go. I just never thought about that but it does make sense.

Thanks for the info..

Anonymous said...

Sheesh. The purse thing, horrifying as it is, makes so much sense. And the farting guy, though juvenile, was very funny. Thanks for sharing. Never heard of the word synedoche.

Traci Dolan said...

OMG!! I woulda never thunk it! And yes, I miss Calvin and Hobbes and people not being incinerated by lightning bolts.

Sandy said...

;) I just like looking at the pretty pictures of things I could never buy. It's called torture.

michele sent me over today.

Anonymous said...

synecdoche - wow, that's a crazy word. I've always considered myself somewhat smarter than, you know, somebody in a prolonged vegetative state, but I haven't heard of such a word either. Looking at the etymology, it's either and old word with a proper evolution or it was made up by somebody who knew their Latin. Either way, I don't think I'll be using it anytime soon. Instead I'll spend my time thinking up new euphemisms for flatus. Keep up the good work kenju!!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Judy my dear...That Cocoanut Chicken Soup---if it is really good, is one of the most exrordinairy soups I've ever had in my life!

I haven't used my purse for over a year and a half...of course I do not go anywhere there are people. But if I have to go out, I carry only the bare essentials and NO PURSE AT ALL!

I have been a BIG Hand-Washer for many many years---more so now with my orecarious "at risk" lungs...

Saturday is my Birthday Party Celebration right here in my house...I coul not let this BIG Birthday go by without a slightly large Celebration! 'O will document it, if I can!

Yes, my Birthday is going on ALL week, I'm happy to say!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

That should read I will document it...LOL, LOL!

Anonymous said...

I'd say there's a fair amount of truth in the purse info. As a home health nurse for 19 years, I carried a nursing bag into the home, holding my nursing equipment. We were NOT allowed to just place the bag on a chair, counter, sofa, etc. without first laying out a blue chux...a large napkin with plastic bottom.
But do I now do this with my purse? Ahhhh......nope.

Anonymous said...

PS.....LOVE the political cartoon, Judy!

Greg Finnegan said...

Great post! Maybe an English major can tell me why we prionounce "jaguar" with two syllables, but the English-sounding performers of the ads for the expensive cars use three? "jag-war" vs. "jag-you-are". I suppose that if one pays their extraordinary prices, one wants to get all of the value out of the word!

goldenlucyd said...

I shudder to think of how often I've set my purse on the lavatory floor. Yuck!
I also miss Calvin and Hobbes. It was a true classic. I wonder if the old strips are syndicated anyplace. I don't recall seeing them. Thanks for reminding me.

Greg Finnegan said...

As to bacteria-laden purses, gotta be better than this one (which they say is false, but...):

Kristi said...

Oh my! That purse article is seriously disturbing. I think I'll hold my purse on my lap in public restrooms from now on. Ewww...

kenju said...

I almost always carry shoulder bags, so from now on, if there is not a hook to hang it from, I will put it over my body, cross-wise. That has to be better than setting it on the floor....ICK!

Beverly said...

Oh, I learned all about synechdoche in English class. You must be older than I am... :-)

amarkonmywall said...

Okay, Judy- I've been trying to play a little catch up and as usual, there's lots of great material here over the past week. You want to know the funniest thing of all? That you left a comment on that guy's post about farts. You're bad, Judy