Saturday, January 16, 2021

Seventeenth Anniversary

Who ever expected my blog to run for so long? Surely not me. In the first few weeks, I was determined to write, but I had little of an idea of what to write about. I have deleted some of the first posts because they were so inane. Perhaps I ought to do that to many of them? If I listened to my children, I would. HAHA. Of course, I don't post with the frequency I used to in the beginning. Facebook has spoiled us all; we get used to writing short blasts and undertaking a long post feels like working too hard. But I do still have readers, and I feel guilty if I go too long without posting. I wish some of thowse readers would leave comments. I know they have been there, as the stats show me....but it would be nice to know what you think or if you have a similar experience. I enjoy seeing the monthly stats that show what my favorite post has been....and invariably, there are two that show up: are my two most popular. Some of you may not have read them when they were posted. Perhaps you can read them now? Feel free to comment, espcially if this rings a bell with you!


  1. I just remembered that Jim gave me a diamond ring on our 17th anniversary. I wonder if I'll get one for writing the blog? LOL

  2. You will have to "copy and paste" the blog names, is the links didn't work.

  3. Reading the names on the comments bought back a ton of memories! Some I still am in contact with . And others , I was happily reminded of them , and hope they are well.

  4. Reading the names on the comments bought back great memories. Some I have kept in touch with . Others I have not. I hope all are well.

  5. Happy 17th Judy and congrats on the many years of fine writing. Go for that diamond. I found you around 09 and you and robin were my first followers. I sometimes think of your former blog title "Imagine" from "Imagine what I am leaving out" as we sometimes tend to tell "all".

  6. I feel grateful reading blogs by global elders. Travel through time and space for me. Happy Anniversary! (also feeling grateful Cyclone Kimi is not making landfall over us; we even got in our early morning walk without getting rained on)

  7. I am hoping Jim will give you a diamond for this anniversary as well. As I told you on Facebook, you were one of my inspirations for my blog. I started my blog 16 years ago, after finding you on The Ageless Project.

  8. When I first began blogging 15 years ago, I ran across your blog by chance, then through links there hooked up with the Horsetail Snake blogging community. Then last year came by again to see if you still were blogging.

    I don't remember reading either of your linked blogs originally. I do believe that computer "hot keys" and faulty internet spell-check program are the source of the majority of my typing mistakes.

  9. UPDATE:

    I just heard that my former son-in-law has died of a heart problem. He was 56 (I think). He has 5 children....4 of whom are my grandchildren. They have not seen him in 20 years, but I'm sure it still hurts them. May he rest in peace.

  10. I'm sorry about your former son-in-law.

    Yes blogging isn't what it used to be. I'm not on Facebook, and being in lockdown means I have less to blog about so I'm quite pleased I'm not on any other platforms as I wouldn't really know what to say.

    Happy blog anniversary, 17 years is a long time.

  11. sometimes it is good to listen to your children, but not do as they say.
    back from Sugarloaf Mountain, to say congrats on your longevity
    for me, life got in the way of blogging after my mom paassed into the arms of jesus

  12. I don't read as many blogs as I once did. I have a few that I check in on, but mostly I just read stuff on Facebook. I also prefer blogging, but somehow it seems to take more time and thought than a silly post in that other format.
    I'm glad to see a post here. Sorry about your former-son-in-law.
    Take care there and stay well and healthy.

  13. I'm impressed that you've hung in there with the blog. I really miss the world of blogs, even though mine never garnered many readers. Facebook and Twitter (and I do post on both) too often become cesspools of kneejerk reactions and whataboutisms. But from time to time I come back and wander around (mostly through Loren's blogroll!).


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