Sunday, January 10, 2021

A quote from Mr. Rogers....

"The thing I remember best about successful people I've met all through the years is their obvious delight in what they're doing and it seems to have very little to do with worldly success. They just love what they're doing, and they love it in front of others." I wanted to put space between the quote and my post, but it won't let me! I was very fortunate to find something to do in life that made me very happy, as well as putting food on the table, so to speak. For the whole time I was a florist, I was never happier than when I was surrounded by fresh flowers, whether in my garage, or working for a shop. There is nothing like the smell of a flower shop, and once experienced, you develop a longing for that aroma. I have not worked much at all since I had open-heary surgery in 2014, except for helping Mel Day, when we decorated the N.C. Governors' Mansion for Christmas in 2018-19. Altogether, I did that for 6 different governors. It is the very best place to work and I cannot tell you how much I miss it, but at age is not possible any longer. More's the pity. As Mr. Rogers said, I had "obvious delight in doing what I love and I loved it in front of others": first the events at NCMA for 12 years, and weddings galore (for 28 years) and lastly, the Governors Mansion work. From time to time, I post a photo from my FB memories of previous work, more for my enjoyment than yours. It helps me recall specific events and memories of the wonderful people who worked with me over the years. I was always fortunate to have good friends in the business who would help me when they were not busy with their own events, and most of my clients were a joy to interact with. Even more fortunate was having so many people who asked me to help with their weddings or those of their children. For a few people, I did multiple weddings, and while I always hated to hear that one of "my" brides was getting divorced, I relished the ability to do a second or third wedding! I had few points of contention over the years....but not many ever had a problem with my work or my charges. The few who were were quickily dispatched with easy explanations. Most people were understanding - since weather related delays and changes cannot be helped. I had a wedding a few days after a huge hurricane tore through this area, and after large snowstorms deposited many inches of snow or ice. It as always difficult, but thanks to the help of friends, I "came through" for my clients. God, how I miss it. Even the stressful times, because after being able to provide what a client expects and making them happy, I got a huge boost of serotonin!! Maybe that is what I Were you able to do what you loved?


  1. I can’t say that I loved my job. I enjoy all of my hobbies though. You were indeed fortunate that you could combine your talent and passion with your livelihood.

  2. I was a banker and I hated it. Now I am retired and can do what I love. It is wonderful that you were able to do what you love and I know your floral arrangements are the best.

    Our pastor recently used a video of Mr. Rogers' show in church and two of our church members left because they hated Mr. Rogers. Can you imagine? Good riddance I say.


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