Monday, March 29, 2021

Another High-School Classmate Gone....

We lost another classmate this week. Sharon was a beautiful girl and a still beautiful, elegant and graceful woman. I admired her so much while we were in school, although I didn't know her well at the time. We came to know each other more and more as we met at our reunions, and after we became friends on Facebook, I felt I knew her much better - and the admiration increased. A few years ago, she announced that she had been diagnosed with Parkinsons. Soon afterward, she stopped posting on FB. Terrible news, that. I never lost hope that she would be one to overcome the progression of the disease, and I maintained hope that we would met again sometime - perhaps a another reunion. Alas, it is not to be, as she passed away a few days ago. Rest in Peace, were well loved.


  1. Sorry about your classmate. It seems we are losing so many now. Early on we lost our guy classmates to the Vietnam war, now we are losing our aged friends.

  2. I am sorry for your loss, Judy. Prayers for her family and for your classmates who grieve.


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