Sunday, December 13, 2020

Long Time No See

Thanksgiving has come and gone, along with my 80th birthday, and Christmas is upon us. I hope all of you are staying home, wearing masks and washing your hands often! Staying covid-free should be our motto. We are both okay, I am trying hard to get over breaking my wrist, but it isn't easy. I re-injured it a few days ago when I got into a wheel-chair - accessible van with Jim, who had a doctor's appointment. I placed my hand on the seat to steady myself as I got up into the van, and inadvertantly bent it back too far. Darn, that hurt. That van is higher off the road than most vans, and I had to push harder to get up into it. I wish they had a handle somewhere to hang onto, but they don't. Jim had pneumonia and the first time he went to the ER, they said it was viral. They put him on antibiotics to stave off any secndary infections.....he got better for 2 days and then he back-slid into more coughing. That's when I knew his pneumonia was not viral. He went back to the ER, and this time they said it IS bacterial. They admitted him and gave him IV antibiotics for 2 days and he was much better. He is home now....coughing less....but he has absolutely NO energy. He willl get a Pacemaker on December 30th, if all is well by then. WE hope that will increase his energy by a lot. It will certainly make my life much easier. I'll try to post more often, but it is hard to type with a brace on.


  1. It's good to see you posting, Judy, but sorry for all the problems you've been having during this season of pandemic. Take care of yourself and I hope Jim's pacemaker operation goes well.

  2. Ouch, sure feel for your pain. One thing I found when I tore my rotator cuff and kept re-injuring it. A doctor told me to keep my elbow close to my ribs when reaching. It really helps and I haven't re-injured it in a long time.
    Sorry Jim has had a battle with the pneumonia. That can take everything out of you and recovery is often slow. Hope you have had your shots. I got mine and don't regret it.
    Stay safe and well.

  3. Glad to know you are both safe and following all the protocols. So sad for the upsets and know it is difficult to get around with your arm in a sling especially since you have to take care of the both of you.

  4. That's scary stuff. Take care of yourself too.

  5. Hi Judy. As I've written before ...I wonder if you ever get my comments? I never see anything but "no comments" and wonder if it's my computer's fault. All the best to you and Jim and I hope 2021 will be kinder to you both.


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