Saturday, October 31, 2020

Birthday doings....


Nancy's excellent cookies

Nancy's pretty flowers

Darren's photograph

Moppet on my ice pack

My balloon from Nancy!

My birthday started well, and then we took Jim to the cardiologist, where we learned that he has to have a pacemaker installed and then an ablation procedure. You might imagine the day went downhill after that - and you'd be right.  He was not a happy camper.  He has never been a fan of people in the medical profession.....our nurse daughter is not included in that....but he gets testy when he hears that he needs to go to a hospital for anything. He doesn't even like to visit people in a hospital.  

However, we got to spend time with all three of our kids and one granddaughter, and I got calls from 2 others.  That always makes me happy. My son gave me a framed photo of a sunrise at Myrtle Beach that he took earlier this year. Isn't it beautiful? Love that orange color!

Things got better about dinner time,  when a granddaughter arrived bearing dinner from Lucky 32. I got my favorite catfish, served with creamy grits and collard greens. Everyone else had their choice of meals and then we split desserts - peanut butter pie and apple pie.  The peanut butter pie was excellent! We also had coconut pineapple cake and chocolate cream cake, supplied by our son. 

This afternoon, my friend Nancy Hart arrived with cookies, flowers and a balloon. That lifted my spirits higher - except we can't really visit well due to the pandemic.  WE are going to try to get together again soon, when it is warm enough to sit outside and talk.

Crazy Moppet!  I had applied an ice pack to my arm this afternoon, and when done, I dropped it on the floor - and Moppet promptly lay down on it. Nutty cat....she has no injury that I know of, but maybe she was too warm.  

Our older grandson came to see us this afternoon; he has been out of town for a while, and it is always good to see him (even if it was behind a mask!)

All in all, it was a decent birthday. I never expected to live to be 80, but here I am. It is definitely better than the alternative!  


  1. Happy Birthday and welcome to 80 Judy, I'm just a year ahead of you. Sounds like you had a really nice birthday.
    So sorry Jim will need a pacemaker but I have had one for 6 years and hardly notice it is there. Both procedures can be done with only an over night stay. Hope he has great success with his.

  2. Happy Birthday and many more happy ones. Prayers for your husband. My brother in law got the same treatment and his health improved a lot as well as his energy after his recuperation.

  3. Glad you enjoyed your day Judy. Except of course, the cardiologist part.

  4. So happy you had such a wonderful birthday celebration. Sorry it had to start at the doctor's office but don't most of our days start that way? Ablations are wonderful according to my sister and brother-in-law. They both got great help from them so tell Jim not to worry.

  5. The photos are so lovely. I'm glad you were able to celebrate your birthday safely and surrounded by love. Hope all went well with your husband's medical procedures. Take care there and stay safe and healthy.

  6. Passing through all my bookmarks. Glad you had a nice birthday. I turned 81 Oct. 11th. Never thought I'd live this old. :-)


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