Sunday, December 27, 2020

Christmas 2020.....

will not go down in our memories as one of the best. On the contrary.... We celebrate with family on Christmas Eve, and it rained all day - preventing us from congregating in the garage and on the driveway, as we have done for every holiday and birthday since Covid came on the scene. Our son and his girls arrived at lunch time, bearing Bojangles' biscuits for all. We wanted to eat lightly, to save room for the feast that our grandson Jamie was cooking: Prime rib and all the fixings! Friends arrived with gifts of food: home-made biscotti, banana bread, chocolate chess pie, Ghirardelli chocolates and Person County fresh sausage - which we always enjoy! The whole famiy, plus assorted girl and boyfriends were going to come over for dinner, but the rain put an end to that. So our daughter brought us each a plate of prime rib, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole and cheesecake for Jim. We enjoyed it all of course, but we were sad that we could not have our usual group. Since I have fallen twice in the last 4-5 daughter gave me an iWatch for my birthday (Oct.) and Christmas. If I fall, the watch detects it and if I don't respond to their message, the watch calls EMS for me. I must admit I do feel safer now, wearing it. When I broke my wrist, it was nearly impossible to get up off the floor, but I finally made it. At least now, I know I'll not lie there, unable to move. Jim and I quit gifting each other quite a few years ago. Now and then, I'll buy a book for him. but sice he became wheel-chair bound, his eyes have worsened and he has been unable to make it to his eye-doctor. He can't read much in one sitting. I read to him sometimes, but I start yawning, making it difficult to continue. He goes in for a Pacemaker on Wednesday and we are putting a lot of faith in what it will do for him. Wish us luck and I'll keep you posted about the outcome.


  1. I didn't know that about the iwatch. Caroline recently purchased a new one and let me have her old one (I had to change the pink band). I find it interesting how it tracks my walking and my sleeping.

  2. Sorry the weather put a crimp in Christmas but you were able to salvage a bit of it. The food sounded wonderful and what a thoughtful gift that watch is. Hang in there Judy, hopefully 2021 won't be such a trouble maker.

  3. Jim did well in the Pacemaker procedure. He is home now and resting in his hospital bed, which we rented. Happy New Year to everyone!!

  4. So glad to hear that Judy. Give him my best and lets pray for a happy country once again after the 16th. Love to you both, Ginnie

  5. Hi Judy ...I remember when you did the Governor's decorations and lots of others. Yours were always top notch.

    I keep putting comments on your blog but I never see that you get any. Do you get them: I saw that on your last post it showed 1 comment but when I went there is was actually one that YOU put on about your husband (glad he is doing better). If you get this please let me know. you could mention it on my blog or email me at

  6. Hi Judy ...I remember when you did the Governor's decorations and lots of others. Yours were always top notch.

    I keep putting comments on your blog but I never see that you get any. Do you get them: I saw that on your last post it showed 1 comment but when I went there is was actually one that YOU put on about your husband (glad he is doing better). If you get this please let me know. you could mention it on my blog or email me at


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