that I can talk about here, so I'll mention the few good things that happened in the past few days.
DaughterOne belongs to a Facebook site called "you know you grew up in Raleigh when..." and she saw a name she recognized from back in the 70's and 80's. The woman belonged to a group that we joined, and we were good friends until we moved across town in 1982 and the group disbanded. Daughter sent a message about seeing her name, and I went on Facebook and searched for her - and found her! I checked her friends list and found another woman from that group - so I "friended" both of them - which makes me happy. We will get together soon and it will be so nice to see each of them again and catch up on the last 30 + years of our lives.
I have two pieces of advice:
One: as you age, remember to keep your muscles is frustrating to see how quickly a person can deteriorate when they don't exercise. You may have arthritis/bursitis and don't want to move and experience the painful joints, but if you don't "use it" you will definitely "lose it." A little pain is definitely a good hedge against losing mobility.
Two: Reserve a bit of skepticism when you think you know someone. There are people who can appear to be a certain way and when they suddenly show their true colors, it is an extremely rough lesson to learn. I hate to be a cynic, but sometimes a touch of cynicism can be valuable when you find out that someone you thought you knew is a very different person inside.
Wow Judy, you touched on two things that are haunting me. Exercise (or lack thereof) and finding out something I would rather not have known about a new friend.
I will return to Facebook on Sunday and I hope we can start our word games again.
I'm not on Facebook, so....I'm sure I am missing some good stuff.....
As to your two pieces of advice: What you say is true---BUT, sometimes the pain of moving is so unbearably painful, it seems so much more horrible than not moving.....
As to finally seeing someone's true colors-----THAT'S pretty painful, too....! BUT, better late than never!
You would be pleased with me. I am hanging very heavy curtains and the strain on my arms, shoulders and back is immense but to my surprise I can actually move and continue today and I'm getting a waist again.
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