did this...I went out today to run errands and I left in a hurry, grabbing a pair of earrings from the jewelry box as I left. I favor the kind that have shepherd hooks and thus are all one piece. I put them in on my way out and jumped in the car.
I picked up some lunch at Wendy's, but I didn't use the drive-through this time, I went inside. The pharmacy was my next stop and an office supply store, and then I checked out a new nail salon; just asking for a price list that I could take with me and peruse at leisure.
When I got home, the earrings came off and as I removed them, I realized I had put on two entirely different earrings. One of them is a silver square with a blue moonstone and the other was a small silver diamond shape with a dark red stone in the center. (the earrings pictured are not mine, but an example of miss-matched jewelry.) My only saving grace was that they were both silver. Imagine if one had been gold.
How dumb did I feel? The dumbest, of course. Now it makes sense why the pharmacy clerks and the waitstaff at Wendy's and the nail salon patrons all looked at me as if I had two heads. Sheeesh.....I'm old, but I always thought that I had it together pretty well. Maybe I need to reevaluate that notion.
And now for something different.....LOL
Do you still have an address book? I'm not referring to a computer document; I mean an actual book? We have one, but it is hopelessly outdated and needs to be replaced. I have, so far, been to four different places: two pharmacies, an office store and K-M*rt, and there are very few address books available. A large-print version would be ideal; mr. kenju could certainly use that and I'd like it too. The only one I have found was not my style at all and it had too few pages. In the last place I checked today, the manager recommended that I go to a large bookstore chain to find one.
Good idea - and one that had not occurred to me. (That would just be too simple, wouldn't it? And remember, a woman who leaves her house with two very different earrings on is probably too dumb to think of looking for an address book in a book store.)
I once went to a night meeting wearing two different shoes. They were both black sued, but one had a lace pattern on it and the other one sported a bow. I got a few funny looks, too.
I had the same experience as Betty. I sat in the Atlanta airport for half a day with my feet tucked under my chair because I had on two different shoes.
I think it was your inner artist that picked your earrings and all those people were admiring how avant guard you are!
I have had that experience wearing two different earrings. It was a little shocking to realize what I had done, but I'm here in California, so I could pretend it was a style statement. LOL!
I think they probably just considered you a trend setter.
I'll bet if you go back to the Nail Salon, Wendy's and the pharmacy you will see that everyone you saw today will have on non matching earrings and they will think they are very stylish..
I bet people thought you were stylish ! As for the address book, I hVe been writing up the sides and in the margins of mine. I don't even want to think sbout looking for a new one.
I think non-matching earrings are instyle in certain circles. They are younger and "free living" than we are.
We redid our paper address book when we moved. Old one was coming apart, plus people had moved or pass away. Found the new one among things when packing. Nice leather one that probably had been given as Christmas gift 10 years ago.
I was thinking that I kind of really liked the idea of Non-Matching earrings. I think you could start a style trend, my dear....
I DO still have an address book and it is very old....But I cannot give it up. Even though there so many people no longer with us....And I find it shocking that there is so little out there.....I hope you find what you need, dear Judy....Let us know.
I wouldn't have though a thing about it. They look like they go together in this day and age. Different is the style.
Just think ... you might have started a new craze...all it takes is something different like your unmatched earrings and a jaunty attitude !
Would people think two mismatched earrings were odd? It could just be your off the wall style couldn't it?
I've been coming here for years, an old blogger like you, I think from The ageless project.
I have been making earrings since 1971 and have been known for different earrings in a pair that matched. Your pair were perfect with that cream coloured bead and silver to pull the pair together. Like someone said, you were a trend setter.
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