"Please let us in, Mom, we can smell the turducken from out here and it's about to kill us."

Bojangles and Callie, my grand-dogs
"Oh, you're NOT going to let those dogs in again, are you? I was hoping to get a nap this afternoon."
Meowth, my grand-kitty. His sister Nicki was incognito on Thanksgiving; too many people in the house to suit her, I guess.

Cute grand pets!
What beautiful pets. My cats were ready to kill us for turkey today!
Hi from Michele's again :)
I like the captions! Especially the cat's. I'm sure that is exactly what she meant by that indignant look!
What great photo's! And I love your captions! Brilliant.
They looks adorable!
We love turduckin! Or most of us do, some get sick everytime we have it for the holidays.
Meowth does not appear to be a happy kitty at the moment. lol
What nice looking pets....Love that cat....really gorgeous. Glad to see the pets got included in the Thansgiving festivities also.
I've never had turduckin, but I am far too familiar with those hungry eyes lookin' in thru the kitchen door, lol! Hope you had a great time :)
Meowth looks like he has indulged in a lot of turkey over the years. Max got a bit of turkey for Thanksgiving. Now he thinks he should have such treats every day with his regular food. He is becoming quite the porker.
The dogs are cute but the cat has stolen my heart.
Awww, now that is some cute critters!!! How you been, it's been awhile!! Missed you!!
Here from Micheles!
Cute critters and beautiful puddytat...
Hi Judy, here from Michele
Meoeth is a BEAUTIFUL cat, Judy! And those doggies are darling!!
I love that Meoweth loves being under the bed! (lol) Animals are so truly wonderfuly individual and little love bugs, aren't they?
There's something very regal about him. I love the stripes and bagginess. :)
What lovely pets, and yes I agree a very regal cat. You know don't you that cats were once worshipped by the Egyptians as Gods, and... they have never forgotten it!!!! Cheers Margaret
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