I thought I'd show you the flowers for the Thanksgiving table (peach hypericum and orange and yellow roses), and another photo of Meowth.
You were right: he was extremely annoyed when the photo was taken and you can really see that in this pic. He had just been awakened by my daughter so she could take his photo for me.

He is really beautiful and really fat. His fur looks like sable and he has wonderful, shadowy stripes in his fur. Meowth doesn't like the dogs, particularly Bojangles, who is just certain that his main job is chasing all cats away. Callie (see the last post) was a stray dog, who had been living on and around the golf course behind my son-in-law's home for 5-6 weeks, several years ago. Many of the people living around there had tried to catch her, to no avail. One day, my son-in-law saw the dog in his back yard. He opened the door and called to her, and she ran into the house and has never left. She has wonderful, thick, brindle-colored fur and the sweetest disposition. The children climb all over her, and she is so patient with them and never growls, but she looks at you with an expression that says "See how kind and long-suffering I am? Surely you will reward me with an extra treat for dinner!"
She does the same thing with Bojangles, but she will growl at him. He has grown up a lot now (1 yr. old) but when he was a baby, he thought Callie was meant to be his playmate, and he wouldn't ever leave her alone. Bojangles was a stray also, but the vet said he is a very well-bred Beagle. Can you tell I am almost as proud of my grand-animals as I am of my kids?

Your kitty looks like a grouchier, fatter version of our Worthless Pet. WP is also grey with shadow stripes on top, and then really tiger on the legs. His underbelly is tan with brown spots. Odd, yup!
Here from Michele.
What a sweetie. Whenever I read your entries about the animals in your life, I sigh heavily as I wonder when we'll be welcoming our next furry family member into our home.
Perhaps after the holidays. It's time my wife and I had The Talk.
Nah, never would have guessed Judy.
At least you got a picture of your cat, my dog equates cameras with flashes which he equates with lightning, so you get the camera out and he's looking for a place to hide. Here from Michele's this time.
Those are beautiful roses,...and one angry feline.
Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving, pet drama and all.
Beautiful fowers, and a beautiful (if unhappy) cat.
Who let the dogs in?
It was warm enough to grow roses here today!
Oh, Judy, you may be a proud animal grandma, but I don't think the world has seen one as proud as my mom. She dotes on the cats and Max and they have found a complete sucker in her. All Max has to do is tilt his head and she is after me to give him a treat. It is amazing. If I weren't such a well adjusted person, I would be a bit jealous. ;)
Lovely pics and nice story to them, every little family needs at least a Callie!
Meowth is a hoot....his expression says it all, "Bite me!" lol Gorgeous cat!
what a beautiful boy!
Meowth is beautiful.
One cat in 10 seems to have that reclusive personality. And even certain breeds are known to be one-person cats. It sounds like he has a nice quiet place to be. :)
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