Friday, June 07, 2019

You may remember this post....

UPDATED BELOW:   about trying to get a new "real ID" card. The saga continued today, when I had an appointment to try again.

I went with a baggie of ID information:  driver's license, social security card, birth certificate, marriage certificate, and official mail showing my current address. As I left home, Jim hollered out "I sure hope you have all the info you need!!" and I assured him I did. 

We arrived, and as I had an appointment, we went right in, past the line of people waiting outside because there were no seats available inside. 

The woman asked for my license and social security card, which I have her (the corrected one, with the right name on it - matching my license).  She then asked if I was married and I answered yes; then she asked for my marriage certificate, which I produced.  She took one look and said this is not "certified."  I asked what would make it certified, and she said a raised seal.  Apparently, the one I have had for nearly 55 years is from the church; not the state of  Virginia, even though it says issued by  "The State of VIrginia " on it.  

Can you say "infuriated?"  I don't know when I have ever been as mad or near tears about something that doesn't seem fair. Why didn't they tell me at the last appointment that my marriage certificate was not certified?   Had I known that, I could have gotten one that was certified in advance.  That makes sense, doesn't it?  Bureaucracy doesn't make sense at all, though I had enough info to prove who I am, and let's face it, at 78, I'm no threat at all.

If I had a current Passport, it would not matter about the certificate. However, my passport expired a few years ago and since we had no plans for foreign travel, I did not pursue a new one. I guess that was a mistake. 

Be forewarned; if you go to get a new "real id".....make certain you have the info they require and that it is "certified".  

UPDATE:   Guess how much one certified copy of my marriage certificate costs? 

$29.45  Sheeesh!  The state of Virginia takes advantage!


kenju said...

I have to wait until October for another appointment, since they are backed up all over the state.

Pat said...

I so sympathise. These people are inhuman. I decided not to renew my passport which expires in December and now I'm wondering if that was a wrong decision and if I have left it too late anyway. I certainly don't plan to go abroad again.

Goldendaze-Ginnie said...

Hi Judy: I know that feeling of frustration. I think we have until 2020 to get the NC real ID but that will be here before we know it. Remember when life was so easy?