Tomorrow is one month since the surgery. My legs have not been shaved for a month either, and now that I am taking blood thinners, I am cautioned against using a razor. My daughter lent me her electric razor, but I have yet to use it. I think that had better be added to my agenda for today.
The soreness seems to abate a little bit each day, but now the skin over the wound feels as though someone rubbed it with sandpaper. The lightest touch - of fabric or bed covers - is painful. I was told that light massage over the area of the incision would help to break up scar tissue, and I have tried that a few times. It never dawned on me before, that I would have to deal with scar tissue too. It adds insult to injury.
I am going to try hard not to whine any more, no matter how I feel. I'm sure you are happy to hear that. LOL
Doesn't sound like whining to me. Just a positive progress report. Honestly, if I'd been through all of that, shaving my legs would not be on my to-do list. Glad you are doing OK.
Glad to hear from you. It's good to voice those concerns and get them "off your chest," pun intended. My sister had massage for her surgery scars and it really seemed to help.
I don't think you're whining at all, I think you are reporting the after-affects of major surgery. I appreciate your honest account of it all. Hope things improve day by day.
Hang in there, Judy. Praying for a continued quick recovery.
You're not whining at all: Simply sharing all aspects of the experience through your writing. Which, from where I sit, is an amazing use of your gift of words, and quite the blessing to anyone else who goes through something similar.
You'll get there, bit by bit. And your friends near and far will never be further away than the keyboard. Feel better soon, Judy. We're pulling for you!
Considering all that your body has been through, you have a right to explain your discomfort. Healing is not always pleasant but it is positive. Hang in there, great days are just around the corner.
This also shall pass. This is not whining! take care and keep us posted. Hugs
You are giving an honest account. Personally that is what I want to hear.
We never know what is next on our
own agendas and its best to be prepared.
Give yourself credit for being such a brave woman and an example to us all. Warmest hugs honey.
I wouldn't even be caring about shaving my legs. Go continental all the way and enjoy being wrapped in long pants and other comfy clothing. It's winter. Wear your fur. LOL
I think you will feel much better if you send your surgeon a cute Christmas stocking filled with coal !
Judy, I was told to lightly rub my scar with a dry washcloth to help desensitize it. I started off very softly and soon it didn't bother me anymore. I also did massage to break up the scar tissue.
I have a scar from surgery 18 months ago. . It was sensitive for a long time. No one told me about massaging it. I read it on the Internet, and it did help. Every now and then though, I have a bad day with it.
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