Friday, December 14, 2012

A Tragedy in Our Midst

Just think how many hundreds of people the tragedy in Connecticut has and will continue to affect. Each child who was spared, all the parents, families, teachers, their families and all of us who have heard about it will be deeply affected for years to come. The survivors will be deeply affected psychologically and we cannot predict what this tragedy may have wrought in their lives - effects which may take decades to show up. 

I wonder how long it will take a friend or relation of the shooter to say "I thought there was something odd about him." or "We knew he might be capable of violence." Something HAS to be done about the ready availability of guns in this country. And I hope that no member of the NRA or other gun afficionado tells me that Guns don't kill people - people kill people. That guy in Connecticut today murdered many innocent people with two guns. Had he not be able to get two guns, many of them would still be alive and eating dinner right now. 

This has to stop. I know that gun control will not be a perfect solution to the violence in this country or any other - but we have to start somewhere. People who want the right to keep and carry guns say if we enact gun control that only criminals will have guns. At this point, I don't care. Common criminals are not walking into schools and shooting babies, or killing their brothers and parents and teachers.


LL Cool Joe said...

I'm anti guns, I totally agree with you.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

I so agree with you Judy...Something HAS to be done! And soon!

Arkansas Patti said...

You are so right about the ripple effect as this horror touches so many. It reaches every corner of our country. We must act.

Star said...

I have been reading articles about Japan's gun control laws. Less people have died from gun violence In the entire country than we lost in the movie theater shooting. Something to be learned from that.

Gilly said...

I agree with you Judy - but not being from the USA I don't know if I have any right to express an opinion.

I only know that 28 people have lost their lives at the whim of someone who was able to acquire two very lethal guns, and to walk in and start shooting.

~The whole school with be affected, and little children will suffer for years to come every time they hear a bang.

I pray for everyone connected with this terrible event.

Ginnie said...

Amen, Judy. I was shocked while watching it on our local Raleigh TV station the break the commercial was for the huge gun show going on this weekend in Raleigh. I couldn't believe that they would still air that. Did you notice it by any chance? Of course it's part of the powerful NRA !

MaR said...

No guns. Period.

grannymar said...
