My seasonal table. I call this my "lazy" table, when I don't want to put much effort into it.
The three sections of a card that was given to my son when he was nearly one, in 1966. The card stands up, in three sections, and we have displayed it every year since he received it.

Two of my children and their families came to visit Sunday, to celebrate my birthday. Two of my granddaughters baked a devil's food cake (my favorite) and we all enjoyed a slice of it after dinner at a local cafeteria. I am sure you are thinking "A cafeteria? For a birthday dinner?" but I can assure you, that when 12 people go out for dinner, and 6 of them are children, a cafeteria is the restaurant of choice!
The cake was full of candles, but had fewer than the requisite 66. I would have never been able to blow them out! They had one candle of the kind that re-lights and it seemed destined to burn forever. I blew until my face turned red and I nearly fainted, before I realized it was a trick. The children laughed at me and their laughter was beautiful music to my ears......I am well and truly blessed.

Happy belated birthday to youuuu!!! it sounds like you had a delightful celebration with your dear ones. What fun!
Love the Halloween card too!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday fellow Scorpio! Your celebration sounds delightful! There is never anything I want more for my birthdy than to have my family with me. I hope your son appreciates that you still have that card, and hace kept it in suchgood condition.
Well Judy....you'll never guess what?
I'll give you a hint.
Happy Birthday to You & Me!
Yep, I'm an October 30th person also. But seriously, hope you have a great birthday and your son's birthday card looks brand new.
Enjoy your very special day, Judy and a wonderful year ahead. Sounds like you had a great celebration with all the important ingredients.
I remember those cards from the 60's...how neat you saved that one.
Happy Belated Birthday! Sounds like a wonderful celebration especially since it was filled with family. (truly the greatest blessing in life)
Love the little Halloween card!
What a great time you had with your family, eating chocolate cake and trying to blow out the candles, would love to have seen that!
And Julie Andrews song, perfect.
Wishing you a happy and healthy year!!
Happy Birthday!! And yay for your visit with all the grandkiddies :)
I so agree that where little kids are concerned, a cafeteria is the best place. Especially if they have a food bar and the kids are big enough to help themselves. It's great fun for them, which makes it more fun for the big kids-- speaking of which-- YOU still are! ;)
Happy birthday, Judy! Wow, I haven't been to a cafeteria forever. I think when MOrrison's went out, we lost something special.
Love Julie Andrews song...it about says it all, doesn't it.
Delightful Card, Judy....I love that you kept it all these years and that it is part of your special Halloween display...
It sounds like you had a wonderful birthday surrounded by your dear family...!
Judy, you have so many talents, but your true talent is how you are able to collect so much and your house still looks great!
Happy belated birthday. Always glad to see someone I care about make it through another year. Actually, glad to see anyone make it through another year.
Happy Birthday, Judy!!! I hope you've recovered from the relighting candle gag. That can take the wind out of you!
you've got to be the same kenju that leaves comments on fred first's site. i saw your comments on anna's(from london) blog, which i just went to today from my sis' blog. my sis lives in london and is friends with anna, whom i don't really know but have checked out her blog. confusing? well, i always post comments under amy f. on fred 1st's and colleen's site but just started my own blog. i saw a kenju on anna's and figured you had to be one and the same! small world!
That kitty is so cute! I used to love those fuzzy cards. The ones today are so cheaply made. Glad to see someone else keeps things from years gone by as well!
Love your seasonal table. You'e so creative. I wish you'd come decorate my house for the holidays!!
Sounds like a wonderful birthday. May your year be just as happy. Now if I could just get that Sound of Music song out of my head... lol
Happy birthday! It's sweet that your granddaughters made you cake; I remember baking something for my grandparents in my easy bake oven when I was very young...they had the good sense not to eat it. :)
Oh, and I think it's very cool that you've held onto that card. I'm a hanger-on myself, though I tend to scrap book.
A belated Happy Birthday, Judy!!
Sounds like a wonderful time in the cafeteria. Since I havae two young kids you didn't have to explain it to me at all.
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