Saturday, June 24, 2006

This little guy was given to me this spring by the same people who gave me "The Thinker" (previously posted), the largest frog I have. This little one sits on my kitchen counter, and I could swear his eyes follow me around! I have not named him yet. Any suggestions?
I think he has that "I know something you don't know" look on his face, don't you?
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Weary Hag said...


And he's adorable.

That grouping? It sure does look like there are four frogs in the pile - in this particular picture, you can see the underside of one frog who appears to be at the bottom of the pile - facing us.

In any case, it's quite unique!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Thanks Judy...I think I was sooo tired I forgot to transfer was afyer 3am...!
But it is there now, thanks to you.

kenju said...

Carol: Jabba it is!!