Saturday, June 24, 2006

More frogs......

I have tried five times to post these pics and they keep disappearing from the drafts. Why???

This is yet another view and the final one of the "pig pile"; the real name of it is "Menage a Trois, but I could swear there are four frogs! Mr. kenju gave it to me as an anniversary present several years ago. It sits in the kitchen window and now and then I turn it around so I can see another view for a while.
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Tracie Nall said...

Gotta love the frogs! If my father-in-law ever visited your house he would just stay forever (he is a frog lover!)

Here from Michele!

scrappintwinmom said...

That is the cutest thing. Here via Michele!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

They are soooo very cute! Love these guys! How dear of Mr. Kenju to give them to you!

To answer your my own time, which may be never...(lol)

Raggedy said...

I loved the froggy pictures. I can't think of a name for the green one that follows you with his eyes.. Have a great day!

srp said...

This is truly an intertwined pile of frogs. I think that this one and the one on the book are my favorites... that is unless there are MORE to see.

Jean-Luc Picard said...

They seem a trio of happy frogs!

Michele sent me this way.

Eddie said...

Are those X-rated frogs?

Shephard said...

Oh... how cute... :)
Frog hugs.