Monday, May 15, 2006

There's a Trend Afoot......

On Sunday, Mr. kenju and I went to Zyng Asian Grill for dinner. We had meant to go to a seafood restaurant, but as I drove into the parking lot, we noticed about 200 people milling about outside the door, in addition to the probable 100 more in the lobby. I hightailed it out of there pretty fast. Mr. kenju does not cotton to waiting in line for food, no matter how good it is. We decided we could go there sometime when it is not a holiday (although everytime I have been to that place, it has been crowded, and it seats about 300 people at a time!).

Zyng, just down the road at Brier Creek, had very few people, so we got seated immediately and served quickly. I had ginger chicken, which was excellent, steamed veggies which were flavorful and tender (but not overdone) and sticky rice. I call it that because I am able to eat it with chopsticks since it sticks together.

Today, I had scheduled a hot oil ginger massage. See the trend? I now smell like hot gingerale (or maybe hot ginger!) My kids gave me a gift card for a local spa for a massage and facial, and I split them up on different days, so as to prolong the pleasure. I had not had the hot oil massage before, but I will add it to my must do list at least once a year. The hot oil smells wonderful, feels great on your skin and makes it look twenty years younger! Too bad that attribute won't last longer than the next shower. Woe is me!


OldHorsetailSnake said...

Hoo boy, Judy is a hottie!! Who knew??

Anonymous said...

I haven't heard of this Zyng.

Duke_of_Earle said...

We avoid all restaurants like the plague on Mothers Day. I'm with Mr. Kenju!


Patry Francis said...

You can never have too much ginger in your life.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Oh that sounds totally yummy, in every way. The food...(What a lovely choice you were forced to make...) And that Hot Oil sounds scrumptious, too...It is not fair that it doesn't last very long....Maybe if you did it more often??? Probably prohibitive financially though, I would guess, but one can dream, can't one? Lovely Mothers Day and today, too!

Chancy said...



srp said...

Chinese isn't good for either my mom or dad and I sooooooooo miss it. The rice is totally a no-no for the diabetes. Sigh. Ginger chicken sounds marvelous.

And to answer your question. Nyssa is going to Hawaii with her Geology class. It is not a resort type of trip. They have to take a sleeping bag that fits with everything else in one large duffle and a backpack. She isn't taking makeup and real baths are going to be few and far between. I hope she can get one before the plane trip back or we might have to pass out clothespins for the noses on the plane.

Anonymous said...

Sounds heavenly! I have this fear that when getting a massage I will utter some gutteral noises (feeling good moans) and embarrass myself.

sage said...

Just make it a long time before showering... the massage sounds heavenly and so does the food.

Anonymous said...

Good thinking on the change in restaurants. I agree with Mr. Kenju....just not worth it!
Ah, that "Girly day" sounded heavenly and you reminded me...I still have a gift certificate from Hubby (from Valentine's Day..shame on me!) for a massage and facial at our island spa. You've prodded me to think about finally using it!
Glad you enjoyed yours so much.

Diane Mandy said...

I guess there could be worse things to smell like then ginger. Nice to meet another North Carolina blogger! Turns out, I live in your neck of the woods.

Anonymous said...

MMMM...that massage sounds wonderful!!! Hi, Michele sent me :-)

sonia a. mascaro said...

I agree with Mr. Kenju, I also don't like to wait in line for food!
Love massage, too, and I am glad you enjoyed yours!

bornfool said...

A hot oil massage sounds heavenly. I need to add it to my to do list.

Leslie Shelor said...


Anonymous said... gifts are the BEST!!! I love ginger but can't say I have had it on my body in an oil!
Have you ever tried a Hot Stone massage?....*melting* it is so wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I love spa gifts, too and I could use a great massage right now.

I have found that 15 drops of Ginger extract and a tiny bit of peppermint extract in my 16 ounce bottle of water really settles my stomach, stops hunger pangs, and allows me to drink more water daily.

The peppermint extract is very powerfl so I put one drop in a pint of water and add about 1/8 of a cup to my bottle of ginger water.

An easier way is to buy it already mixed, but this is a small town and our health store doesn't carry it.

This is often used by pregnant women to ease morning sickness and NO I AM NOT!