Thursday, April 13, 2006

Tiptoe Through the Tulips with Me!

Here are photos of the tulips my neighbor gave me. The blue vase is about 8" tall and the green one is 6" tall. That will help to give you some idea of how big the tulip heads are.

The green vase is sitting on my kitchen table, and you get to see our horribly out-of-date wallpaper and old-fashioned wainscoting. The whole kitchen needs an extreme makeover, but the only way that is going to get done is if ABC decides to reward me for being such an inveterate viewer! Oh, maybe one of you will nominate my kitchen for Oprah's "worst kitchen in America" contest. Then I'd get one of those hunky carpenters to change it all for free!!See the round bowl hanging on the wall? That is my first baby bowl; it has the alphabet painted around the inside rim. (and of course you realize it is nearly an antique!)

The other photo is in my living room; a quarter turn to the right from the table in front of the windows, which you saw in a previous photo. The color is off a bit, since the walls are buttercream yellow in real life, and here they look like they have a greenish tint. If I tweak the colors to look more realistic, it changes the color of the tulips too much.
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Robin said...

funny, I never notice the things that people intend in their pictures...I GOTTA HAVE THOSE SHELVES!!!! (drool)

Here from Michele's!

OldLady Of The Hills said...

Beautiful, my dear! THanks for telling me about these photo's...The colors are so lovely!

And I like the way your kitchen looks...a lot! You know I think it is very fashionable...and even if it isn't, if it serves you I said,I think it's very very pretty! What I've seen from the pictures you have been showing us your whole house is truly lovely! So many wonderful things everywhere. And I know each one has meaning...that's what makes it all WONDERFUL!

atpanda said...

Awe! I adore tulips. You are so lucky to have such an amazing neighbor.

Carola said...

i agree with OLDLADYOFTHEHILLS i think your kitchen is GREAT! i like the antique/country style looks to kitchens especially in houses... and i think it looks GREAT! And im only 20! Go figure! anyway... if you can get Oprah to give your place a makeover could you ask her to come to Adelaide, Australia and to give me and a place that i own *so this is going to be a way off* a make over too???

Thanks so much, she doesnt really go out of the country for these generous things, then again, i think with what i have im blessed anyway!!!

Have a lovely Easter with your wonderful Tulips!

ribbiticus said...

beautiful tulips! you're lucky to have such a neighbor! i love your green vase too! :)

Peter said...

I can't help the image of "Tiny Tim" when I hear or see, Tiptoe through the tulips with me.

Anonymous said...

I wish I had a neighbor with a garden full of Tulips to share! Those are beautiful!

My float said...

The flowers are beautiful. The second photo is how I imagine my perfect room!

Thanks for visiting me today.

doubleknot said...

Second beautiful tulips here. I like your house it reminds me of my daughter's house. She has an 1898 restored house and loves to decorate. Me well - things just land where they are handy.

Marie said...

Those tulips are amazing! And your house is beautiful as is!!

Michele sent me... Happy weekend!

Merle said...

Hi Judy ~~ Thanks for visiting, glad you liked the joke. Love the tulips.
I see Peter thinks of Tiny Tim, but I
have a son-in-law from Holland and think of Tulips from Amsterdam!
Enjoy the remainder of Easter. Merle.

HRH Courtney, Queen of Everything said...

Sometimes, short squatty vases with big flower heads are very pleasing to look at.
Here via Michele today.

Daisy said...

Beautiful, beautiful tulips!!! I love the vases too.

Anonymous said...

It's so nice to have fresh flowers in the house.

They are beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Isn't it funny how we see our own pics thru someone else's eyes? I love your shelves!
Wish I had an antique baby cereal bowl ;)


Anonymous said...

Judy - the tulips are beautiful but I am totally into those bookshelves. Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

I love tulips and these are gorgeus!! I also love the very homey and warm look of your home!
Not far from my place there are tulips growing that are deep purple, I need to go get pics of them!

vanx said...

Here in NJ the trees are in the flower puff ball stage. I'm so snowed under at work these days that it is an actual effort to enjoy it all. But I'm trying. I'm really trying.

Bonnie (BornInaZoo) said...

I am green with envy! My yard has tons of tulip bulbs planted ... however, the rabbits and squirrles never let me see the to their glory.

Hi! via Michele.

Michelle said...

Yay spring! And I love that green vase. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier today :)

Arethusa said...

Ooo, tulips are one of my favouritest favourite flowers and yours look especially gorgeous. And I love that green vase!

Darv said...

Hello, Michele sent me.

Nice decorating. Lovely flowers.

Moon said...

Beautiful tulips!!! and thanks for sharing part of your life with us...I had such an eliquent post comment on the one with the table view but it got eatin somehow and disappeared before my eyes lol...I was trying to say...thank you for sharing some picture windows of your life with us...and I also loved the groupings of things you put together...I have procured many an old piece of this or that from family or scowering flee markets and garage sales...and I love to put things together in groupings..sometimes they work and sometimes they don't lol...but I am sure u know that lol, , its trial and error...All your photo's are lovely...

srp said...

Wow, these are large blooms. They are gorgeous. What beautiful glass pieces you have there as well. The Antique Road Show would love to do a whole show just at your place. Perhaps someone should let them know about your treasures.

Weary Hag said...

I love the busy-ness of your home. I could look at these photos for an hour and learn so much more about you from them!

The tulips are incredible ... oh baby, it's finally spring.

And by the way, that old fashioned wainscoting? Ed and I have been seriously considering installing this for our family room make-over. Everything's relative, right? :)

sonia a. mascaro said...

Beautiful tulips and lovely glass pieces, too!
Love your decoration Judy and the bookshelf on your living room is very charming!

kontan said...

love it, and i really love the bowl to the side in that pic

Kim said...

My gosh, those are SUPER TULIPS! To show you my ignorance regarding any flower other than a carnation or lilacs, I told my hubby he had some HUGE pink bowls growing in the garden. After he pondered for a moment, he realized I was talking about these GARGANTUAN tulips that could have held an entire can of soup! LOL!

Kim said...

Oh, and by the way: old wallpaper plus wainscotting (sp?) equals vintage and I love it!

David Edward said...

lovely tulips