Sunday, April 02, 2006

Let me out, Mom!


It's way too pretty outside to be cooped up in here! Posted by Picasa


Anonymous said...

Awwww... this looks just like my kitty, Mickey. It's only 48 degrees here in NW Ohio today, but the sun is trying to peek out!

Here via Michele's!

Arethusa said...

My Ozzy has been sending me the same messsage, although I think he only wants to get outside so he can get a chance at the birds. They've been driving him crazy since they hang out by my bedroom window.

Anonymous said...

my cats are roaming the yard now.....

Anonymous said...

And now it begins: As my grandmother said, "cats are always on the wrong side of the door."
Sophie and McCloud are in and out, in and out, in and out. Snagging the screen is SO effective in getting the attention of the missus.

srp said...

And who do we have here? Pretty kitty, patiently waiting to go out. Only Rhett sneaks out, all the others are scared.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what a gorgeous cat! That's probably what my Ralph and Foster will look like full-grown.