Saturday, April 29, 2006

Caution ~ Very Scary Pictures!


Anonymous said...

Michele sent me by, Judy.

Damn. Bush and Clinton might be able to get some action if they waited until last call--and the lights were dim. I think Jimmy might be out of luck though. Too much rouge, y'know?

OldLady Of The Hills said...

LOL, LOL, LOL..Hilarious Judy! I love these..where did you ever find them...They are truly wonderful...I would love to send these to a few people I know!!
Here from Michele tonight and Thanks, my dear, I needed that laugh!

goldenlucyd said...

Ack! Pore ole Lucy is stunned! Where did you find these things, Kenju?

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Agggh! I've just had lunch!

Michele sent me here.

Anonymous said...

Still laughing as I type.....what a shocker these were! LOL
We have some really clever graphic people around.
Thanks for the laugh!

Michelle said...

Those are hilarious!!! I love the one of Bill Clinton :)

Thanks for stopping by my blog earlier.

Merle said...

Hello Judy ~~ Enjoyed this post and still catching up on my reading.
Many thanks for your comments, and good wishes for my recent trip. I had a
wonderful time, but it is good to be home again and back to blogging !
Take care Judy, Cheers, Merle.

carmilevy said...

Even through the Photoshop haze, they're hideous as heck. What is it about American presidents that almost compels them to look like caricatures?

How wonderful that we have the freedom to do stuff like this.

Beverly said...

What a riot! Jimmy Carter doesn't do very well any way you dress him up.

Buffy said...

The second photo just looks plumb perfect.

Mamacita (The REAL one) said...

Oh Judy, those are HILARIOUS! Are there any more?

Clinton looks like Owen Wilson's long-lost twin. That's freaky in and of itself.

Duke_of_Earle said...

GROSS!! Totally GROSS!!

(Okay, they were funny too.)


Anonymous said...

You know what is really scary? I had to go back and look twice to see who was in drag. It was so obvious the second time around. I do think my mind is slipping badly. These are wonderfully funny and like Carmi, I am so glad to live in a country where we have the freedom to do stuff like this.

srp said...

All I can say is that Bill Clinton makes a much prettier woman than Hillary does.

Anonymous said...

AAAAHHHHHGGGGG! Hey, Clinton looks kinda cute.

Anonymous said...

Jimmy Carter looks like he could be a little old lady. That one is pretty good. The other two.... scary is the right word! Clinton looks like Meg Ryan on an acid trip, and Bush. Well, let's just say he's never going to be attractive, male or female!

Moon said...

OMG! Those were worth a good freaky!!! I have to say they are well done too..Thanks for the chuckle!

Lisa said...

Maybe I'm tired, but I think Clinton is kinda hot as a chick..

Umm... yep... I'm tired.. lol

Anonymous said...

Clinton kinda looks like Meg Ryan in that. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...




Clinton looks too good as a woman.

That's some scary stuff.


millie garfield said...


Jimmy Carter looks like a character out of the movie "Grapes of Wrath." If they ever do a remake he'd be perfect!

Clinton looks really good as a lady! Adorable.

Bush leaves me speechless!

Anonymous said...

Hilarious! Seriously...I am dying over here.

kontan said...

just scary...plain scary...and too funny!

Weary Hag said...

Hilarious and scary at the same time. Great pics! hahaha