In 1966, when my son was only 1 month old, his great aunt and uncle sent him this card for St. Patrick's Day. It is a Norcross "stand-alone" card, measuring 13" tall, and for every March since 1966, it has stood on a table near our front door, to welcome visitors and family alike.
Blarney the Leprechaun says,
A-playin' on his fiddle
Is wishin' you a day that's gay
Beginning - end n' middle!
The same aunt also sent a Halloween card, which also gets displayed every October.
I say aunt, because for 50 years that is what we thought she was. Mr. Kenju has been doing his family geneaology for about 8 years now. He recently ordered birth certificates for some of his mother's siblings, and that is how we found out that this woman was not his aunt - but probably a cousin. It seems that this woman was taken in and raised as if she were one of his grandparent's children, when in truth, she was the child of one of his grandfather's brothers. He solved a family mystery; one which we didn't even know was a mystery!
EDIT: I posted this six years ago, and the card still stands on a table near the front door. Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone!!
Well done! You must be better than yesterday.
Ah the past- if only we could fathom it's secrets.
Hi, just popped by from Michele's this morning. I amazed that you've managed to keep the card safe for so long!
That is one of the reasons I love to do genealogy. You are always stumbling across surprises.
wow, what a family surprise! Those were the days when people didn't really talk about such things.
I'm here from Michelle... oh never mind.. ;) LOL!
I love family histories, they are always fascinating, specially when unexpected family ties are discovered! Glad to see you feel better and are up and posting!
Its amazing the things you find out with family research lol...My father has been reasearching our family history for yrs now...cool stories of individuals or ways of life back then keep popping up...its all very fun and interesting to find out.
Amazing to have solved that,Judy. My sister has been doing the heneology of my parents for about 8 years,too...but no incredible mysteries have been revealed!
I can't get Chickie's link to work, and I don't know why.
Try this:
If that diesn't work than...I don't know!
Hope this means you are feeling a lot better than you were, my dear.
Some of my older cousins were more like aunts to me.
We've had some "revealing" family tidbits over the years too.
That card is very cute. I can see why you display it.
I bought my daughter a beautiful cardboard paper doll with different clothing & hats to put on. I let her play with it very little, and I still have it. It is something I will most likely display one day too.
I hope you are well now.
A sip from a jug has him dancin' a jig, lol! Very cute! I love that fan below too. Glad you're feeling better :)
I love vintage greeting cards. There is something about the graphics that is far missing these days, mayhaps it is "charm".
Thanks ever so much for the BDay greeting! It's been such fun. I also want to thank you for pointing me to http://jamiedawnsmindlessblather.blogspot.com. I love her!
Don't these poor blog non-participants know what they're missing?
That's exactly how I found out my grandparents were cousins.
I don't think I was supposed to say that!
I'm glad to see you up and blogging about!
My grandparents adopted just about anyone into the family. I called people "aunt" and "uncle" that it turns out weren't even related to me.
I bet he ushers lots of luck in the front door along with the visitors.
Hope you're feeling much, much better.
I love the card, but even more I love the Aunt that wasn't really an aunt but a cousin. Sounds like my family.
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
I love family mysteries like that!
Hope you are feeling better today. :)
It's so neat that you've managed to keep the card like new all these years. Cute greeting for those entering your home!
It always amazes me that some folks can trace back family history for hundreds of years when I can't seem to get beyond my own grandparents!
And a Happy St. Patrick's day to you!
Everyone should have a relative who's earned the title by being there and didn't simply inherit it through genetics.
I love "family" traditions like that wonderful card...!
What a fun card. We celebrate St George's Day here in England which is in April :)
~ Bobkat
He is in grand shape for his age.
Really interesting about Mr. K's "aunt". I'll bet a lot of that went on in "the day" for convenience.
I love the card and the sentiment and especially the story about the "Aunt"
I'm having trouble leaving a comment and now seem to be back inthe past!
Earlier generations had so many secrets seems there can often be surprises, so interesting what you've learned.
I'm using a netbook right now. For some reason your new format is much bigger than my screen on both left and right sides, so unable to read all the words in your post, even if I manually move each line. Maybe next time I'll check it out on my laptop.
Noticed Goldenlucyd in Colo. commenting. Glad to see she's still blogging 'cause she seemed to disappear. Or maybe she came back and I didn't know. I finally stopped checking, but am pleased she's continuing to blog somewhere.
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