On January 20th, I posted a photo of my great-grandparents on their anniversary. This picture was taken the same day, and shows them, as well as all their children. You'd think they were posing for obituaries; most all of them look as though they are mad, sad or totally indifferent to the process. I think by the time this was taken, they were all pretty tired of posing. This was about # 25 of the ones taken that day.
The occasion of their anniversary was the reason for the family reunion gathering on the farm, 100 miles south of Charleston, in Wyoming County, WV. It is probably not that far now, but in the 40's and 50's, the roads were 2 lanes, very curvy and frequently paralleling deep valleys. You took your life in your hands if you drove over 40 MPH.
Check out the flowery dresses. I looked through some fashion magazines at the hairdresser today and it seems that the 40's are back - at least in some of the fabrics and dresses with ruffles. Lord save us! All I saw was white eyelet and lace or wild patterns and colors.
From left: Cora, Corba, Dot, Pearl, John Lee and Light. Please don't ask where all the odd names came from - because I have no idea. That is just the tip of the iceberg in my family where names are concerned! We also have Rice, Vivian (man), Lovell & Watt. After their generations, names began to be more normal sounding - or at least more modern.
When I met my birth mom, I asked her what I would have been named had she kept me. When I heard the answer, I was pretty glad that she had given me up for adoption, because I would not want to be known as Loretta Lynn ( + last name ). ICK!
I thought when I was growing up that I would rather have any name but Judy. When I asked my adopted mom if she ever considered any other names for me, she answered that she had thought about naming me for my two grandmothers, and I would have been Cora Rose. I decided immediately that I should get down on my knees and thank God for the name Judy!
I thought when I was growing up that I would rather have any name but Judy. When I asked my adopted mom if she ever considered any other names for me, she answered that she had thought about naming me for my two grandmothers, and I would have been Cora Rose. I decided immediately that I should get down on my knees and thank God for the name Judy!
Loretta Lynn? LOL! I'm glad you're Judy, too! That is a great picture. You're right... They all look really mad! Or sick... lol
Michele sent me this time! :-)
I have bunches of old family group photos like this. you should drop by my site and check out my flickr thingy. the men in my pictures mostly had on overalls like the soggy bottom boys in "o brother where art thou" *grin*
here from michele's tonight!
I like Judy, too!!
just popping back in to thank you for stopping by my blog. hope to see you again!
I like Judy better than Loretta Lynn (too much pressure to sing that country music). I think Rose is pretty. One of my grandmother's was Mary Elizabeth and that wouldn't have been too bad. My great grandmother was Charity. I have a cousin named Charity Anne. Fortunately my mom didn't name me after her mother or I would be Minnie Zula. No, I wouldn't for I would have changed it by now. My brother only got part of my grandfathers name, middle name Grady.
Love the picture, too funny. I don't think anyone really smiled back then. Perhaps the photographer told them to hold very still so they didn't smile.
Love the bumper stickers. And here I thought you were going to be out of pocket until after the big holiday Tuesday.
Years ago, my mother and I spoke of old photos taken in her day, early 1900's. Photographs being taken by everyday people was new, taken very seriously, somewhat expensive for some. Even professional photographers posed people to be serious; like some actor's dramatic serious poses for their photos today. :-)
As for the baggy overalls, remember this was an agricultural society when a great many, or most, people were farmers. :-)
Yowsers! The one on the end looks like she grew out if the earth and is pissed off at something.
Great Post Jdy! That's a fantastic picture! As you said, they all do look sad and some rather angry, too....
Those are some interesting names, too! Times sure have changed where names are concerned, haven't they?
For whatever reason, they don't look a happy group Judy.
BTW, I like the name Rose, I just don't care for it with Cora...LOL.
I love the idea of an old man named Light - not so sure about the little boy, though! These are very Steinbeck names, just right for their time,I think.
and yes, Judy is a lovely name and much nicer than cora or loretta (although Rose is lovely).
here from Michele's this time.
is anyone else having trouble with comments? (here from michele's, just in case this one appears!)
I enjoy reading your family stories. I could have been a Pam...!
I didn't use any of the old names for my kids, but I do like them. My mother's mother was Cora. Not right for this age, but kinda nice anyway.
Judy is good. Loretta Lynn...NO!
Love your post about family and old photos! You inspire me! I am thinking to post some old's photos, too.
LOL Cora Rose!!
Hub's family has lots of old shots like this one, with the flowery dresses and the solemn looks on their faces. Another thing I've noticed, In most pictures taken in the 30's (or around then) there's always at least one shot of a little boy on a pony. That must have been popular back then!
I'm a birthmother and named my daughter Catherine Anne. When she found me almost 5 years ago, I found out that her adopted parents named her Katherine Lynne. I always thought of her as Cathy and that's what she was called. She said she guessed she was meant to be a Kathy. Interesting, isn't it?
my mum had dresses like that when I was little :-)
Love old photos like this :-)
Yes, Judy is quite a good name considering the possible alternatives. I think you should stick with it. lol.
It's pretty unusual to see a picture of a crossdresser back in that era. The guy standing all the way at the left isn't very flattered by that dress either. He kinda looks like a pro-wrestler around the arms...
I'm impressed with the progressiveness of your family, Judy.
I got a John Lee, too -- John Lee Sampels, Bible thumper first class.
Love the old pictures. People didn't smile back then usually. Picture taking was a very big thing and not to be taken lightly!
I don't think Cora Rose is a bad name.....one of my teachers' first name was "Hortense." Imagine going through life with a name like that.
I love that picture !
Nothing wrong with the name Judy it was my mothers name and also one of my best friends ( and there are a very FEW Judys around who are late 30's these days)
Michele sent me :)
Hey Judy...
Michele sent me on this time...it looked like you got skipped...
And by the by...I love the name Judy...and glad you do too, now! (lol)
Just was here and back again..the traffic over at Michele's is fast and furious today! (lol)
That is an awesome photo, Judy! I love it how everyone looks so mad in those photos. Really funny. I love those old names. At least you can spell them!
I also liked your answer to my question at Michele's. I agree with you.
I'm sure thos dresses would look good on some women but too many women (like our grandmas) don't know when to say no.
Listen, Judy, I don;t mean to be catty about your relatives but Pearl definitely earns the nickname "sad sack." That's just grim...
I love your trips back in time.
I'd like to wear my photographer's hat for a sec: back in the day, film speeds were much slower than they are today (and we'll leave the whole digital thing for another day.) So slow shutter speeds were necessary to compensate.
As a result, subjects were conditioned to pose - very, very still. Candid photos were, obviously, out. Folks learned it was easier to stay in one place with a scown and solidly-set position than a smile and a flighty body position.
Interesting selection of names. I guess they look serious because of slow shutter speeds and the need to be still?
Out of interest, I dragged the photo into photoshop on my mac and hit autoeverything and its improved the sharpness and the contrast. I've dropped it here in flickr, in case you'd like a copy.
That little silver haired granny in the chair looks like my great grandmother Ethel Inez ;)
i love this image..
No matter the end of the day tiredness.
Still a wonderful image of the day.
Hey kenju... I'll see you later to read new posts anyway :)
Here from Michele
How many years were they married? They would probably smile or laugh if they heard some of the names celebrities name their children. My husband's side of the family had a Lumir for a first name. Thank God he got a very normal name.
Judy, the roads to Pineville are still very curvy. I seldom ever go there, but I take a bucket w/me when I do, lol!
I should email you.. we may be related :D
Judy, when were your great-grandparents born, do you know? If this was taken in the 1940's then I am guessing....1870's or 1880's?
That is so fascinating to me.
Hope: they were married 75 years!
Carolyn: that'd be great!
Here via Michele's. This picture is great!
In those days they told them all NOT to smile - when you smile your face moves and you blink more....the film was so slow and ANY movement came out blurry. I had some Irish Aunts who looked like they were going to hurt someone after the picture! LOL - They told me though that they were really the jolliest, sweetest ladies....Now when i see pictures like this i just have to imagine the smiles on their faces.
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