The continuation of my 100 things - although I am beginning to doubt I will reach 100:
53. I was once called to testify in court, against a man who had committed indecent exposure to one of my children and two others.
54. Reading other people's blogs is becoming a habit. One problem is that I add to my list almost daily. I suspect I am not alone in this problem.
55. Optimism is what I strive for, but cynicism sometimes rears its ugly head.
56. I deplore getting the news that a good friend is moving 2 and 1/2 hours away, even if it means a better life for her family, and that her husband won't have to travel extensively any more.
57. I am a most fortunate woman; I have good friends, both in person and on the web.
58. I hope I get to meet some of those web friends someday.
59. Writing is proving to be one of my great pleasures, and getting nice comments about my posts is so affirming. I'm trying not to be vain about it.
60. The older I get, the more I realize that owning "things" is less desirable. The more I own, the more bogged down in details I become.
61. My favorite place is in Kauai, on top of Mt. Weialeale.
62. I would like to take a train all across the US and then across Canada.
63. I have a desire to witness a volcano erupting.
64. Two of my favorite books are: Anthony Adverse by Hervey Allen and The Magic Mountain by Thomas Mann.
65. My most recent favorite books are: Three Junes, The Good Earth and
Deception Point.
I love The Good Earth ! I always find new blogs to read too! It is time consuming but fun:-)
Michele sent me this time:-)
I've had to testify in two murder trials. The jury convicted on one, let the other one go. That case really shook my faith in our court system, the defendent told everyone he was going to do it, bought the gun, did the shooting and turned himself in. It was a West Point, Mississippi jury. I still don't understand.
Haven't given in to doing this 100 things yet. Perhaps, in the future.
Reading other peoples' blogs has become a habit of mine as well. I love reading them. It makes me realize how small this world really is and how many people think like me.
Hi!!! I am here via Michele (again!)
It is amazing just how different we are when people list their 100 things. People often say that they have done nothing with their lives but listing 100 things about themselves you discover just what you've done... (sorry, that sounds like I am rambling!) Great list...
Hi! Michele sent me today. Very nice blog and I am about to read your other lists! ;)
The Good Earth is also a restaurant in California. lol Oh my, the food is so good. When you take your cross country train find one in southern Cali.
Thank you for your lovely comment. :)
Thanks for visiting me.
Nice blog!
P.S. 55L Optimism is hoping for the best even when you know what the worst could be - optimism without cynicism is called blind hope (and a few other things, too)
Hi, Judy -
Thanks for the comment yesterday. I know how you feel about running out of material. May I suggest - if you haven't already done so - that you elaborate on your experience with Paul Anka?? I would love to hear it. If you've already done this somewhere on the blog, just point me in that direction. And yes, I can't stop reading blogs either, and I'm at work!!
Judy: If you run out of things to write in your list of 100, you can always tell people some of the 200 or 300 ways that Ol' Hoss is such a nice guy. I won't mind a bit you stealin' my thunder.
I found your blog by linking a link this morning.
Yes, I understand adding blogs to my daily reading list. I read too many blogs on a daily basis! Today I have added about 5 to my list.
You are very interesting Kenju. I'd hate to have to testify in court. I shall return to read more in the future. Michele sent me.
Hi, Michele sent me! And I agree with #54.... and it's getting to be time consuming to read everyone's that I enjoy every day. I'm thinking of instituting a schedule. LOL!
My day in court was testifying in a child? ( kid was 16, puleeez ) custody case. I sat outside the courtroom all day and the lawyer used me to "put the nails in the coffin" so to speak. It was a hoot!
My day in court was testifying in a child? ( kid was 16, puleeez ) custody case. I sat outside the courtroom all day and the lawyer used me to "put the nails in the coffin" so to speak. It was a hoot!
I can't believe I'm following Poopie. Did you know my name was "Poopie," too? Ask her. We're pals.
Anyway, you know I stop by alot, but this time it's from Michele's. Have a great weekend.
My name is Alex and I'm a blogaholic
i travelled extensively across canada and the US when I was a kid and i highly recommend it. there's just nothing like it and i hope to do it again.
Hi Kenju. Thanks for stoppping by my blog earlier. I have not even attempted the 100 things about me list. I don't think I could list 20. Keep gpong. I'll check in later to see how far you've gotten.
Poopie- you have to really like her to put her on your blogroll.
Horsetail- rumor has it he's selling material if you fall short.
60,61,63- YEAH!
The Good Earth- an oldie but goodie.
Nice post- thanks, Judy!
Hi! Here via Michele (as I'm sure you've guessed). I think I've been here before...
Anyhoo, I have heard great things about the trans Canada train trip, so I hope you get to do that one day.
Enjoy your weekend!
Michele sent me, and I'm glad she did, I'll be back :-)
My great-grandma had "The Good Earth" on her nightstand at all times. Is Mt. St. Helens calling you?
I have Three Junes on audio, but haven't listened to it yet. Maybe I will now!
Here via Michele this time...
I also love Kauai and would love to join you on the train trip. I give you permission to be vain about your writing. It will only make you write more.
You have good cause to become vain about your writing!
As to the blog thing? I know exactly what you mean. I've had to begin making different "check" lists for different days of the week and even that doesn't help when one has so little time.
I hope I'm on your list of folks to meet one day!
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