Friday, April 22, 2005

Poor Memory = No blog tonight

All my best ideas for subjects to blog about come to mind while I am speeding down the highway. Thinking it best not to write down ideas while I am driving, I try committing them to memory - but by the time I have come to a red light - or a parking lot - they are gone with the wind. Should I keep a tape recorder in the car? It would have to be simple to use, or else it would defeat the purpose. What would you suggest? How do you come up with ideas to blog about? What method do you use to keep them in mind until you get to the computer? Thanks, in advance........


Anonymous said...

I bought a tape recorder for my car ages ago...but now I never ever use it.

Blog topics typically come by the seat of my pants. I don't think about them much in advance...that happens very rarely.

I have a pretty good memory, but I hate it when it fails me!

Catherine Detweiler said...

I can't remember anything these days! I find the trick is to think of LOTS of blog topics, and hope that one is still sticking in my brain by the time I'm at the computer.

Oh, I'm here this time from Michele's meet & greet.

Anonymous said...

I get most of my best ideas in the shower. Try carrying post-it notes, then writing down a word or phrase that will help you remember what you want to blog.

Kimberly said...

I have a notebook in the car too. I use it for blog topics, grocery lists, & reminders. It comes in handy a few times a week.

kenju said...

Thanks for all the ideas; I do keep notebooks and post-its all over. There is a clipboard in the front seat of the car, with post-its. The problem is when I am driving, I hate to try to write something. Imagine trying to explain a wreck by saying "I had to write down this idea I had for my blog, officer".

Kimberly said...

I figure that if I don't remember the ideas that I have for posts, they either weren't that good, or I'll think of them again eventually.

I have a writer friend who swears by the tape recorder she keeps in her car; I just haven't bothered.

I'm here from Michele's M&G.

Anonymous said...

I got your comment over at my place, and came over to check you out. I like your blog.

I have the same problem, with ideas escaping. I hadn't thought of using a tape recorder, but it seems like a great idea, especially when you're driving!

Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.

God bless,

Weary Hag said...

Thanks for visiting my blog!
As to ideas, I often sit for an hour at a clip, just reading through others' blogs. Many times something they've written will either jar my memory about a blog idea I had while driving, or about something from my childhood, etc. When this happens, I jot down the blog idea on a pad at my computer and always put the blogger's name in parenthesis so that I can give proper kudos (a link) when I eventually cover that topic. I like the idea of the tape recorder, but knowing me, I'd drive up a wall by the time I actually got it turned on in my car!

Anonymous said...

My husband is a never ending fountain spilling forth motivation.

phoenix said...

Use!! It is easy if you have a cellphone. I tried it with the thought that if it was too tuff I would not try it again. It was easy! Just follow the prompts and presto you have a post on your blog!! It is also a part of so its free!!

Here via Michele and I am not awake yet. Hope that made sense!!

mw said...

I hope for something unforgettable to happen in my life, which makes it's easy to find a blog topic.

That's doesn't always happen, so I have a list of stories that I want to write and I fall back on that when life comes up short.

Of course the list of stories is finite, so someday I'm probably going to have to become a rant blog. I need to learn to rant first.

Cool topic - I'm glad Michele sent me here!

Anonymous said...

I speak it aloud, hold it quietly a moment and wait for it to come back to me. It tends to stay better that way than jotting it to my indiscipherable handwriting.

Anonymous said...

I agree on with what Kimberly said. If it wasn't good enough to remember, then thank your brain for letting it go so you could think of better stuff to write.

Anonymous said...

OH and Michele sent me!

OldHorsetailSnake said...

Try word association, kid. Give your idea a color, or a person. ("Purple reminds me of...") ("It was just like Jim to...").

annie said...

Yes, that's terrible I have the same problem! In the car, I try to sing-song it to something totally irritating. Irritating sticks in my head. Hence the name of my blog, and what I like to blog about.

phoenix said...

ok NOW it is letting me post again. Yes Kenju, it has an option that allows you to hear everything you said before posting. If you do not like something you said then you have the option to respeak it and listen again. This is perfect for those not-able-to-write times.

Happy blogging and voicing!!

True Jersey Girl said...

I do the same thing...I will be walking around the food store or driving in the car and think - I MUST blog about this! And then I get home and sign on and...nothing. I hate that.

Mrs. Darling said...

I seem to have a backlog of things to blog about. I never know where to start! Lol

Michele sent me.