I am compulsive about a few things, one is that my hangers all have to face the same direction in the closet. My Mom, who was as compulsive/obsessive as anyone I've ever known, taught me that. As she put it, if you have a fire and you want to take your clothes from the closet pole, always put the hangers in the same direction, then you will be able to remove them easily. I suspect if we had a fire at our house, I'd be thinking about more important stuff than which way the hangers faced, don't you? And still, I do it.
Another compulsion I have is to remove pricetags and sticky labels from everything I buy. Books are a good example; I cannot stand a price label left on the cover of a book. Don't know why, it just can't be there if I'm handling the book. Same with plastic bins and storage crates. It's gotta' go!
Even if it's on your bin or crate, it's gotta' go.
The worst peeve I have is with magazine inserts. Nothing bothers me more than to pick up a new magazine and have inserts drop out all over the floor, and worse yet, there are still more of them stuck in the pages. The first thing I do is remove all the inserts and toss them into the trash. So if you are a magazine publisher or advertiser, I advise you to nix inserts, because I don't respond to them or even read them. Does anyone?
I hate buying men's dress shirts with all the pins and stuff. Now that's a compulsive person's worst nightmare.
It used to go pack, peck, pick, pock, puck. Something to assist a tyke with his vowels. But with its n-1 degrees of freedom and the possibility that a one to one correspondence would be nonlinear in the betas, well this was just too much. One could start and then finish at different places, depending on such arbitrary things as food and drink, the One would become many, dogma and lemma forsaken, no etiology, a tower of Babel, blasphemy.
Snapped out,
I always remove the inserts from magazines ASAP. I also carry a can of Lysol spray when I enter a motel room and spray everything in sight.
i agree with every single thing you've said. i have other compulsive behaviors as well but can't think of them now. i can say for sure that me ocd tendencies get far worse when i am sleep deprived. it's almost demented.
here via the meet and greet!
I think if we all sent in those magazine inserts, left blank, the publishers would drown in a sea of postage fees.
Judge: I did indeed mean "pearl driver". Fixed it. Thanks.
I'm only compulsive in weird spurts, but I do hate magazine inserts.
Coming from Michele's Meet and Greet.
Hi. I am here from Michele's. I perked up when I saw this post because I have weird hang ups. When I put my mugs in the cupboard, all the handles have to point the same way. My husband puts them away any old how and it drives me barmy. I am obsessive about how I pack the fridge and the way I store my tins of food. Oddly enough, I haven't yet arranged my books or CDs into alphabetical order although I'm sure I will one day. By the way, those magazine inserts are the first to go for me as well.
Michele sent me! I hate the inserts in magazines! Especially the cologne filled ones, bleck!
Take care!
Lucy Jane
I am the same with hangers, but it goes beyond that. The shirts on the hangers MUST be all facing the same way. There are so many others!
My husband hates the coffee makers on the market these days, too.
I'm the same about hangers facing the same way, but not so bad about stickers - mainly because I have such trouble getting them OFF. I'm pretty compulsive about those plastic shopping bags. I'll explain. We store them in one big bag so we can pull them out to recycle (reuse) as needed. Well my daughter and fiance will just bunch up a few at a time and jam them into the larger bag so when I got to pull one out, I get 6 at a time! Grrrr. I like to neatly fold one at a time so that I know I'll just pull one out when I need it.
By the way, Michelle didn't send me. :)
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