Sunday, October 16, 2022

Odds and Ends

 Good ones:  A person posted on Nextdoor free colostomy supplies, a whole box-full, and we got them. And then a second person posted, and we got a box from them too.  We can't use all of the supplies, but some are definitely useful and ordinarily, they cost a lot of money. We really appreciated their thoughtfulness. One man's trash is almost always someone else's treasure!! We are very grateful to them both!

Our granddaughter got a new job as an event planner in a local country club. That was good.....but on her second day there, with no training whatsoever, they left her in charge of an event, and her boss left and went home. It is patently unfair to not train someone in your way of doing things and then leave her alone to fend for herself on her second day. That was bad. No wonder they cannot keep a person in that job!  She has experience in a former job, but every group/company has their own way of doing things, and so to not give her any training was ludicrous!

I am on new medication for blood pressure/heart rhythm. I know from experience with my mom and also with Jim, how hard it can be to find the right mix of medications/dosages for someone. But my doc put me on one that has a side effect of coughing and itching. I developed a dry cough, and started mildly itching all over for about 4 weeks before I thought to ask if the meds could do that. They can and did - and so I am now on another med (one Jim also takes). I guess I should research the side effects that can come with that med, before I end up experiencing that as well. But for the last few days, by BP has been higher than usual, making me feel weak and a bit light-headed. That's bad.  

Common side effects of that med...

  • Upper respiratory infection
  • Nasal congestion
  • Muscle weakness
  • Back pain
  • Dizziness
UGH!  that's bad too.  

Our granddog Molly (age 13+) crossed the Rainbow Bridge yesterday. It was not a minute too soon, as she had been falling and soiling herself for some time now. The vet was horrible to her, saying he saw no evidence that it was medically necessary. Thank God my other daughter and a granddaughter and her boyfriend were with her. They told the doc that she had not had a good night's sleep for over a year because of the dog's pain and night time problems. That Molly was constantly falling (her back legs were failing her) and finally, he agreed that it was time to let her go. But that was after my daughter had left his office. Then the son of a gun charged her over $400 for the process of putting the dog down. It's not fair at all and I will tell everyone not to patronize that vet.  For locals, he is the one in the Publix shopping center off Green Level Church Road. 


  1. Hope you feel more like yourself soon. I have been dealing with similar health issues. Sometimes I think I felt better before I started trying to be healthier. Getting old isn’t for the faint of heart !

  2. Sorry to hear your granddad's passing and the trouble you're having with medication. I also find myself taking more and more prescription drugs these days :(

  3. Jeff, it was my daughter's dog that died.

  4. How did the event go for your granddaughter at the Country club? I am guessing she did a very good job. My 17 year old dog Slim is failing but she still eats twice a day and can run a bit outside. I am hoping she will pass away peacefully at home.

  5. It went well for Jessica, Ann. She is very experienced at that kind of thing. While still in college, she got a job at a hotel restaurant. Before long, she was named their event planner, and when she moved to Cary, they transferred her to a restaurant they own here. But that job soured when she proved better than their current general manager, so she left. This new place is lucky to have her! It seems to be going better for her, and the only thing she doesn't care for is that she has to work late into the evening sometimes. But she is paid by the hour, so it isn't as bad as it could be if she were salaried.


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