Friday, October 28, 2022

I'm Very Happy That Paul Pelosi Did Not Have a Gun

 Because if he had, the crazy guy might have taken it from him and shot him, instead of clobbering him in the face with a hammer. 

My husband went to college with Paul and since Nancy was at school in Washington, DC, he knew her also. We have seen them at Georgetown Reunions over the years.

I hope you'll agree that no matter what her politics are, she didn't deserve to have a crazy person break into her home looking for her and set on making mayhem. 

Paul Pelosi is one of the nicest guys I've ever known. He is gracious, intelligent, and a gentleman and I saw one very telling instance of him "not rising to a provocation." 

At a reunion in 2008, soon after Nancy was first named "Speaker of the House, Jim and I were at a cocktail party in Georgetown, (Nancy was not there, just Paul, and some other couples. We were standing on a cat-walk across the 2nd floor, looking down on the people dining below us, and Paul walked up to our group. One of the wives (now divorced), said...."Well, Paul, how does it feel to be Mr. Nancy Pelosi?" All of the people who heard her were appalled at her question. It was so tacky. But he was calm and while I don't remember what he said, exactly, I know he was a true gentleman to her. He may have wanted to knock her off the cat-walk (I know I did*). 

Just after that happened, a waiter came by carrying a tray full of cocktails on his shoulder. Paul had his back to him, and just as the guy got to Paul, he stepped backward and the tray of cocktails tipped over and hit the floor - splashing everyone's feet and shoes.  Paul's undoubtedly costly suit pants and Italian leather shoes were spotted with liquid. Once again, he was the picture of calm and reserve.  I was impressed with his reaction. 

*This reminds me of another time that woman who asked Paul the question said something really tacky to me. I may have written about it before.....Not too long after Jim and I married, I had to go to Washington, DC to take a certification test for Cytotechnology at George Washington University. Since Jim was very familiar with DC, having gone to Georgetown U., we planned a trip and he wanted us to go to lunch with some of his friends from school. We pulled up in front of the restaurant and since there was no on-street parking nearby, he let me out and went to park the car. His friend came out to meet me and we went in to lunch. After a while I needed to freshen up, so I went to the ladies room. The woman who was rude to Paul accompanied me. She said...."We were sooooo happy to see you get out of the car!! And I said "Well, that's nice. Why?"  she replied that they had 'all' thought that "if Jim had gotten mixed-up with a girl from West Virginia, she was bound to be pregnant, as we were happy to see that you were not." 

Can you believe it??? I was insulted, mad and non-plussed. Never before and never since have I had anyone say something like that to me. It just pointed out her stupidity. Have you ever had something similar happen?  

I'll close by saying that my prayers are with the Pelosis and their family. I hope that Paul recovers quickly and with no lasting ill effects. 



  2. I had already developed a crush on Paul Pelosi just from seeing his pictures. I'm glad to hear my instincts were right about him being a good guy.

  3. Peggy Payne, you would love him in person. He is an elegant man.

  4. You can tell him he has an admirer at the next reunion.

  5. I have to say that I am surprised and disappointed that there are only 4 comments, and 2 of them are mine. This issue should fire up everyone!

    I have been appalled at some of the comments I have seen on Facebook about the incident - most are negative but way too many are positive. It's a shame that we in the US have stooped so low. People are actually making fun of the situation and making jokes about it. It offends me terribly and I won't apologize for that.


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