Saturday, June 20, 2020

Nothing New to Report...

In these days of quarantine, there is nothing new to report. We are staying home and wearing a mask when we do go out, which is seldom. I did get a much needed haircut, and my stylist wore a mask.  I need a manicure/pedicure badly...but I guess it will be a long time before our salons open again.  

I am finally getting physical therapy for my heel tendonitis, and it is helping.  We also got a new toy that is benefitting both of us: A Cubii pedal exerciser. We both do it twice a day; Jim does it by the minute and I do it by the revolutions. I try to do at least 350 each time. It seems to be strengthening my leg muscles.

Our oldest granddaughter's Irish boyfriend just completed his Masters degree in Chemistry from Edinburgh University in Scotland. We are so proud of him!  I'm not sure where he goes from here - but we wish him the very best. 

Yesterdays rain brought a welcome rainbow - first one we've seen in a while. Sunday (Father's Day) is supposed to be 87 and sunny. We are expecting 2 of our children and 2 of our granddaughters. The rest of the clan are out of town, but we hope to see them soon. I hope all of you have a great Father's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Looked the Cubii up online, looks promising. I have a pedal one and don't like it much so I don't use it. Fantastic news about the boyfriend. Nice to hear when someone gets their goals reached in these uncertain times, off into the future. Enjoy your Father's Day celebration.


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