Monday, June 29, 2020

My Family have/has teased me unmercifully......Maybe TMI....

about never throwing things away. I have previously written about how my mom was a pack rat.....and I seem to be heading in the same direction. 

However, some things have happened that make me happy I saved some things, even though they wanted me to get rid of them. 

I have an old cart that I bought back in the 70's, to keep our first microwave on.  Our kitchen at the time had only a little counter space, so I had to have something dedicated for the microwave. The cart was a bit larger than we needed, but it had 2 shelves and wheels, so I bought it.  

Now that Jim has an ostomy, I needed something on which to keep the supplies I have to have when I empty his bag. I remembered the old cart (in the garage) and it is perfect for our needs! I can roll it into another room, when necessary and it keeps everything very handy!

Also found in the garage were two plastic bins of hand towels and wash cloths, left over from my mom's stash in her linen closet. I kept them and used them when I had my flower business, and after that, I was loathe to part with them - even though we moved twice. I have been vindicated!!  I need a hand towel every time I empty Jim's bag and he needs a smaller cloth every time he voids (to catch drips.)

I shudder to think what it might have cost to purchase all those towels and wash cloths, even in a discount store. Now, every time I use them, I am reminded of mom and/or my flower business......good memories!! I am proud of myself for keeping them!

See?  It isn't always a good idea to trash things; as sure as you do  -  you will find a good use for them!!


  1. I love it when something I had kept becomes useful again ! I just had a conversation about this very thing with 15 year old Rhys . He feels the same way , although, his stash of things is nowhere nears as old as mine !

  2. I have a cart I used after my hip replacement. I bought specifically for the purpose of holding all the little things I might need. I hung my "reacher" from on side, a fly swatter cause you never know when you will encounter an annoying fly and other essentials if only essential to me. It was easy to roll it even while using a walker. My family just thought it was my usually overkill and none of them want to admit it was a really good idea. That is until one had knee surgery and then suddenly my little cart was in great demand.


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