Wednesday, March 18, 2020

I'm going to be as big as a house....

Staying home and being sequestered makes me want to cook and eat.....never a good thing....for my figure, at least. 

Two days ago I baked a small turkey breast; made gravy and mashed potatoes with green beans and cranberry sauce. We had it for dinner and it was very satisfying - definitely comfort food. The next day, I made hot, open-faced turkey sandwiches for lunch and again, we feasted. As good as the night before.  As soon as dinner was over, I made a small pot of soup with the left-over turkey. I added onions, celery, carrots, fresh thyme, dried basil, Ms. Dash, a bit of salt and pepper.  Today at lunch, I ate a bowl of it. Hot, savory and very good for me - I think. However, I need to stop that

Tonight, beef tacos are on the menu. I ordered Taco shells, and they sent spicy ones, so I am not sure how that will go over with Jim. I do have a few old, regular ones, so I"ll make them available too.  

Tomorrow, I will put a chuck roast in the crock-pot, with carrots, onions, potatoes and spices/herbs. I  hope it doesn't shrink too much, as I"d like to get 2-3 meals from it. If I keep this up, none of my clothes will fit, and with the looming recession, I may not be able to replace I had better practice some restraint. Think that will happen?

1 comment:

  1. Sound like you and Jim are eating well... I made a roasted chicken with turnips, potatoes, carrots and onions tonight.


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