Monday, March 16, 2020

Annus Horibilis - Part Two

Did you ever think that we would be faced with a global pandemic such as coronavirus? I cannot imagine having to go through this after such a bad 2019 (at least personally).

We in America have not had good leadership since being faced with this virus; first it was dismissed as a hoax and a political ploy. Then we remembered that the current president had disbanded the pandemic response team that had been put in place by President Obama, so we have no infrastructure to get us going when we needed advice about what to do next. Watching the news has proven that the white house is a "cluster-f**k" of massive proportions. No one there is equipped mentally or emotionally to handle a national crisis, so we are in deep doodoo. The only voice of reason seems to be Anthony Fauci and we would all do well to listen to his statements and heed them!!

We have been advised to stay home and keep away from shopping and anything that would put us in a crowd of people - especially if we are over 65. I am confounded by the fact that people are still gathering together, even though some of it cannot be helped. I saw pics of the chaos at O'Hare airport yesterday, where hundreds if not thousands of people were herded together in a small area. It is unthinkable  how many might come down with the virus due to that close contact.  

We are self-quarantining, although I have to go out later to pick up some medicines. I will wear a mask and gloves to do that. I am not used to being cooped-up inside all the time, and surviving this episode in my life may be difficult. It has been good for my Scrabble games, however. People are playing more on line and playing more frequently and I am loving it. 

What are you doing to stay clear of the virus? And how are you handling it emotionally? 

1 comment:

  1. It's very strange. Stay home and stay well. Yes, 2019 was a stinker and I thought this year would be better. Ack! We live in Washington and are getting much better action and counsel from our governor. The cases here have tripled in three days. I could not have imagined.

    Emotionally I seem to feel okay during the day but I am sleeping less and less and having very bad dreams. Not a surprise. Our town is really shut down. I worry about my children and grand children. Jobs in jeopardy, health in peril from working with others. Small hospital here whose beds were are ready filled with very sick flu patients.

    I try to enjoy the flowering trees and go walk very early in the day and get some air. I call and text to keep in touch.


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