Thursday, February 27, 2020

The car has become the carapace, the protective and aggressive shell, of urban and suburban (wo)man.

I got my car inspected today....I wasn't sure it would pass....and I am very glad it did. Of course, it needs some work, but I have known that for 4-5 years. So far, it hasn't failed me.
They always tell me it has an oil leak and a power-steering fluid leak. I add oil and power-steering fluid - and all is least so far it has been.

I'd love a new van, but I wouldn't love a car payment, so I keep on keeping on with my old van; praying every time I get in it that I will get back home safely, without incident. Do you talk to your car too? 


  1. I do. Were trying to maintain our 2 car status as long as possible. One car has 106,000 miles on it. Hoping it holds out a while longer.

  2. Don't laugh Judy … but I actually talk to my car. She's a 2001 Acura sports coupe and I love
    her … mileage 2,194+ and still going strong (not to mention what it costs to keep her that way) Just yesterday I had the inspection and so on I go … hopefully for another year !
    All the best to you and Jim.

  3. Judy … your blog shows that you have no comments on your entries. I think you may have run into the same Blogger thing that I have. I have to go to my blog settings and click on "Comments" and if there are any I have to manually choose to publish them. They don't come up automatically like they used to. I can't imagine that you don't have any comments so thought I would tell you what happened to me.


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