Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Nothing new...

Today is my sons' 54th birthday. It hardly seems possible. I remember it as if it were yesterday. Rainy and cold (like today), my water broke at 12:30 am while I was watching
Johnny Carson on TV. I woke Jim up to tell him to get ready to take me to the hospital; he put on his bathrobe and turned on every light in the house - as if that accomplished anything.  LOL.  He called the doc and we dressed, and got in the car. He was running red lights, and even though it was 1 am, I was worried that a cop would stop us. He said we might get a police  escort to the hospital. 

We arrived and checked in, and a volunteer took us on the elevator to the delivery room floor. She talked non-stop about cats and we couldn't wait to get out of there. I guess she was trying to allay our nerves, but it had the opposite effect.

When the doctor arrived, he had on rumpled clothes and an old golf hat, and Jim asked about his ability to be a good doctor.  LOL. I told him I had the utmost faith in this doc and his clothing at 2 in the morning had nothing to do with his abilities. 

I remember being taken to the delivery room - but nothing after that. They knocked me out cold (which I didn't expect) and I was mad when I woke up. He was born at 4:50 am.  I had expected to be able to see the baby immediately, but it was later when they brought him to my room. I was still woozy from the anesthesia....and singularly unimpressed with the baby (at that moment.) Later, when I was fully awake, they brought him in for a feeding, and I inspected all his fingers and toes, etc. I was in LOVE!  My tiny baby. It's wonderful how that feeling of total love overwhelms you; at not first (for me, but second sight. 

He was so tiny; 5 lbs. 14 oz., 19" long and now, at 6'3" - it hardly seems possible that he started life as such a tiny being. Of course, he didn't stay tiny for long. He grew very fast and by 14 months, he was so chubby that people said he looked like Winston Churchill. I know a lot of babies fit that description!

We celebrated his birthday last night, with one of his girls and his S.O. Pizza, salad and chocolate cake. His favorite is pineapple upside-down cake, but I was not up to making one this week.  Maybe next year! Happy birthday, Sonny Boy, we love you more than life itself. 


  1. Happy 54th birthday to your son!

  2. Happy birthday to your son, and happy Mother's day as well. I consider Mother's Day to be the day those wonderful little creatures were born. One holiday for each kid. Hugs.

  3. Nice memory Judy. I can't believe that my three children are 60, 59 and 58 … where did all those years go? Your son didn't stay teeny for long … 6'3" is tall ! Give him a Birthday cheer from me.


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