Dermatology appointment last Monday. "Start using sun screen again,' she says.
After showering on Friday, I apply sunscreen from last year (expires in Nov. 2014) to face, neck and upper chest only. Cheeks burn like the fire, but I have rosacea, so I attribute it to that.
Late Friday night: itching starts on upper neck, just under jawline, and proceeds down the neck.
Saturday: rash appears. Small red, raised bumps evenly disbursed over my neck and upper chest, following the pattern of sunscreen application (but not on face.)
Saturday night and Sunday: scritch, scratch, rub, cringe. Application of steroid gel from dermatologist does not help. More scritch, scratch, rub, cringe and grimace.
Sunday: nurse daughter says Benadryl will help. Bought same on the way home from family Easter festivities. Took 2 on Sunday. Still itching, still red. Still bumpy. Apply benadryl gel (which expired in 2000) - does not help much (surprise, surprise.) Rash spreads to mid-boob level. :(
Monday morning: call dermatologist's answer. Call primary doc's office; she is all booked up. Make the choice of a backup doc (same office).
Backup doc's diagnosis: I have developed an allergy to something in my sunscreen. Given an Rx for cortisone cream; told to apply 2-3 times per day, and to continue Benadryl tablets until the itch disappears. Discontinue sunscreen (did I need to hear that? )
Monday night status: still red, still itchy, still bumpy; rash has spread to the back of my neck.
AAARRGH.....there's enough stress in my life already.
Sometimes stress alone can cause a rash:)
So sorry, I had to give up my favorite makeup which had a screen block in it. It caused burning and redness. Getting into see someone is harder and harder.
Have you had Doxycycline recently? Known to cause side effects such as: you notice that your skin is very sensitive to light (you may get a skin rash, itching, redness or severe sunburn when out in sunlight. I did. Remember when my face & hands looked and felt like they had been boiled in oil? I was told to be careful in the sun ever since.
No, no pills other than the ones I take every day.
I recently went through something like that with an aspirin allergic reaction. It took prednisone to calm it down.
I feel your pain--and itch.
Ouch. You've been having some annoying stuff coming down lately.
Oh Judy, you poor thing! I hope you can get rid of that rash soon, any itching drives me mad!
I never sit in direct sun light now.
My legs never used to burn so I sunned then a lot and have sun damage on them. The Fictional Southern ladies with delicate white skins knew a thing or two and probably always drank their mint juleps in the shade.
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