(A repost from 2005)
Happy Thanksgiving to one and all! Here's hoping you will have bounteous tables, full of turkey and all the trimmings (or your family's favorites) and a good time had by everyone. For those of you who are missing a loved one this year, may your good memories sustain you through the holidays, and help to fill the emptiness.
I drew this pilgrim while in elementary school, probably 6th grade, at a time in my life when I had little knowledge of what gratitude was, or whether I had anything for which to be grateful other than the latest toy or a new pair of shoes.
As the years passed and I matured, the realization of all that I should be deeply grateful for sunk in and remains:
My family (all generations), my home, my talents, the opportunities I have been given in this life to grow and prosper, my friends (on-line as well as real-time) and mentors, the animals I have cared for and loved, for the beauty of our planet, for my daily bread, and for whatever is my lot afterward.
Take some time, this Thanksgiving, to reflect on those whom you are thankful for - and tell them. Tell your Maker also. Tomorrow may be too late.
Thanks to all of you who frequent these pages, both lurkers and commentors, and know that you are appreciated beyond measure. Happy Thanksgiving!
P.S. Christmas decor begins Saturday and runs through the end of next week. I'll see you when it's over!
P.S. Christmas decor begins Saturday and runs through the end of next week. I'll see you when it's over!
Hope you too have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
From blogger Ron Franscell @ http://underthenews.blogspot.com ...
It has been a tradition in my family -- maybe in many families -- to go around the Thanksgiving table and ask everybody: What are you thankful for?
One Thanksgiving when my children were very young, we began with me. I was thankful for my family, for being together, for the time we had, and other patriarchal oratory. My wife was thankful for similar things. My daughter, maybe 8 at the time, added her lengthy list of friends and possessions.
Then we came to Matt, only 4. He was still thinking, but soon it dawned on him, this thing he was most thankful for in his so-far short life.
"Handles," he said.
I gotta hand it to him: It never occurred to me to be thankful for handles, even though I am regularly thankful for handles. And knobs, rails, hinges, shelves, screw caps, cup-holders, envelopes, sandwich bags, can openers, lids, screwdrivers, soap dishes, buttons, rubber bands, remote controls, cardboard boxes, paper clips ... all kinds of stuff I typically don't take time to appreciate. But I guarantee there's usually a string of choice words when they're missing!
So ... don't forget to be thankful for the little things.
And have a Happy Thanksgiving!
Have a great Thanksgiving ! May you and your family have a great time and may you not have to cook the entire dinner!!!! You were certainly a talented artist at a young age.
Hi, Judy! I came by to wish you a very wonderfy=ul Thanksgiving and to tell you how thankful I am to find you here, rain or shine, to brighten and enlighten our neighborhood.
That is a wonderful drawing Judy! Very sophisticated, for your age, don't you think?
I dearly wish you a truly Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving Judy...I am grateful for many many things in this life, not the least of which is having met you through blogging, as well as many other very terrific people! Enjoy all that you can, and I will, too, and thank you for the lovely Thanksgibing wishes! AND, Congrats on 300!!!
Happy Thanksgiving. Several of the comments here remind me of blessings that I too often overlook or discount.
I am most thankful for the gifts of God; life, breath, a world to live in, a family to love and most important, the gift of His Son. Without His sacrifice I would have no hope and no future to look forward to.
Hi Judy, What am I thankful for? the joy of friendships formed, no matter how or when.
You have been a busy girl haven't you 300 posts.
Happy Thanksgiving Judy! You always find little ways to remind me of how much I should be thankful for. You're the best!
Happy Thanksgiving Judy! I love your words, particularly your mention of memories of those we've lost.
Hello, Michele sent me. Hiya, how ya doing? ya right there, year -end is for a time of reconciliation. Have a happy and safe thanksgiving weekend then. Cheers!
Happy Thanksgiving, Judy! You always make me smile. Michele sent me tonight!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours as well!!!
You are quite the artist. THat is one sophisticated drawing for a child.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
Michele sent me.
May your Thanksgiving be a very special one! Like others said, you were a very talented child. (I teach art, too.) Blogging is a wonderful way to explore friendships worldwide. When I wrote letters as a kid, teen, and young adult, I never imagined something so immediate as email and the net! Enjoy your festitivies. :D
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well, Judy. Yesterday I hit my 200th post so you're 50% ahead of me.
Now that the Holidays are upon us, I'd imagine your workload with your business really goes into high gear. Are you able to limit your work load to reasonable levels, Judy?
I'm thankful I found your blog, Judy. Your positive perspective is something I always look forward to.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
You are also appreciated, kenju :-)
(Yes, I know your name is Judy, but kenju is *so* cool!)
..and I am grateful for all my crazies :-)
oops - forgot the usual mantra..
Michele sent me - this time...
Michele sent me your way this time. I am a bit confused since I was here about 2 hours ago on my own and quickly commented on your post about your white Persian cat... and I don't see the post now - *looks scared* Am I imagining things? help!
Happy thanksgiving to you and your loved ones, Judy. Have a wonderful day.
Hope you have the happiest Thanksgiving Day yet, Judy!
Dear Judy,
Thank you for the beautiful Thanksgiving momento. What an artist you were as a little girl - I enjoyed seeing the picture of the Pilgrim.
We are truly blessed in this country, and I appreciate reading your comments on our Blessings.
You and I will remember those in our family who are not with us, but what happy memories of a wonderful childhood!
Happy Thanksgiving, Kenju!
Happy Thanksgiving. Enjoy your day. We travelled all day yesterday to spend Thanksgiving with my hubby's family. We will be gorging in about two hours from now. I can hardly wait!
This is a pretty good drawing for a youngster.. actually i'd be thrilled if i could draw like this period..
Wonderful post. Even better - i read it while listening to the end of Field of Dreams.. with that soothing music.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Stopping by to say hello....
What a wonderful post.
I hope you are having a glorious Thanksgiving.
Happy T-Day, Judy! Keep up the wonderful work with this blog...I never leave here disappointed!
Here via michele this time around...
I hope you've had a wonderful day. Happy Thanksgiving! :)
Well, heck, let me add mine to the rest. Happy Thanksgiving, Judy!
happy thanksgiving kenju! your pilgrim is awesome!
Gee whillikers you was (are?) a fine artist. Sixth grade? No way!! (Judy says, "Yes, way.")
How cool that you still have that picture that little Judy drew.
Happy Thanksgiving to you.
Lovley and hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving Day :)
Wow. Happy 300th post! That's amazing. Would you believe I'm not even all too close to 100 yet since almost a full year ago. Sure wish I had more writing time.
A belated thanks for the nice post and good wishes. We enjoyed our typically quiet holiday at home.
Happy Thanksgiving, what a great young artist you were.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Sadly many of the people I have to thank have gone on ahead but hopefully they hear my prayers.
Happy Thanksgiving! (Belated...)
Here in Brazil we don't have this day, but I would like to have a special day to express our gratitude.
Hope you have a pleasant Sunday!
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