A great big thanks to those who came to my defense in my last post. I'm not used to being verbally throttled (anywhere but home,) so it is nice to know you think it wasn't really fair.
A blog and Facebook friend posted a photo of the ice cream she was ready to tuck into and I didn't recognize the container, so I asked where she got it. It was Kroger's Private Label Sea Salt and Caramel Truffle. Running errands early this afternoon, I went to the post office and found myself right next to a Kroger - a store I seldom enter - as we have many different choices here for grocery shopping and it is at the bottom of my preferred list.
I picked up a container of that ice cream, some peppermint tea and a bunch of orange tulips, on sale for $3.99. That is a very good price for tulips! I seldom buy fresh flowers anywhere but my wholesalers, and even that is rare now. I really ought to start buying some more often, since it makes me happy to see them. I have the perfect place now; a pass-through between the kitchen and the living/dining area. They are visible from each room - doubling my pleasure! Do you know this quote?
"If thou hast but a little money, buy flowers, because bread feeds the body but flowers feed the soul." I don't know who said it, but I said if I ever had a flower shop, I'd paint it on the upper wall just under the ceiling.
The ice cream? I've already had a bowl and it is every bit as good as Rosemary said.
Our new neighborhood has a social this afternoon; there are three houses open from 4 to 6 pm and we are all encouraged to visit each one and get to know our neighbors. The woman who conceived the idea says we should attempt to form a sense of community. I agree. My daughter, who used to live here, felt it necessary to point out that we are twice as old as anyone else who lives in this town house complex. I doubt that.....but there is a disproportionate number of young people; walking their dogs or pushing baby carriages, or both. That is fine with me......I never have wanted to live in a senior development. Being around people my age - especially large numbers of them - is somewhat depressing.....LOL
If I am going to go to any of the open houses, I have to get up from this computer, take a shower and make myself presentable enough so that anyone might want to talk to me. I'll let you know how it goes.
I somehow missed your last post. I saw the picture though. It made me giggle . Being in the biz, well, you see a lot . When someone dresses so uniquely I always wonder how they know when they are done getting dressed.
As to your open house, I have to say that people in your neck if the woods are defiantly neighborly. I don.'to know more than half of my neighbors these days.
I love the quote about the flowers. That is true, though I rarely buy any.
I think it is wonderful you are living in a younger neighborhood. Have fun.
That ice cream sounds wonderful!!
That quoteb is quiye wonderful and I've said something similar about "ART", and of course, Flowers are "ART, ART, ART"!
The Ice Cream sounds quite yummy---do they make any Chocolate related ice creams??? (lol)...
I love the idea of the Neighborhood get together---and I LOVE the idea that there are YOUNG People---I feel very much as you do---IT Lifts The Spirits! I hope it was very enjoyable, my dear.
You have moved near people who know how to neighbor, wonderful. Beautiful flowers!
I love flowers but never with the passion Ron did. Funny that such a rugged sailor enjoyed the beauty of flowers so much. He would have loved that quote.
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