Sunday, August 04, 2013

We've Been Here 18 Days Now.....

and I finally got my pots and pans organized. The downside to that is that I may  will have to start cooking again.  Tonight it was Chinese pepper steak; all fresh and all good!  Things are beginning to look rather normal; no boxes clogging our pathways through the house. The garage is another story, but it, too, is beginning to take shape. Once I get it in order, I have to start unpacking the closet in the garage, as well as a niche under the front steps. How could I still have so much stuff

Before long, I will go back to my hometown for my 55th high school reunion. It's funny, but my memories of high school days are not the greatest, but apparently I had more fun while I was there than I remember.....LOL.  It was certainly better than college. I lived at home during college, which, in retrospect, was a poor decision. It was my choice; I could have gone out of state, but I chose not too. At least I think it was my choice....LOL. My mom convinced me that if I left town I'd fail  (I was not disciplined enough, according to her.) I realized, many years later that that was her way of keeping me under her thumb and close by. It is too bad that she didn't have confidence in me - and taught me not to either. 

A lot of you have mentioned that you seldom, if ever, go to your reunions. I have always had fun when I've attended. I mentioned to our class president recently that by this time in our lives, petty jealousies, grudges, and the like should have been long forgotten, and if they aren't - the people should just stay home and let the rest of us have a good time. I surely do plan to do just that!


JeanMac said...

I love school reunions! hope yours is all you "imagine":)entcmpe23

JeanMac said...

I love school reunions! hope yours is all you "imagine":)entcmpe23

sage said...

Glad you're settling in... as for reunions, I've only been to one, my 10th.

OldLady Of The Hills said...

You are Amazing Judy! This was a mammoth move and I think you are doing fabulously, my dear....
As to High School reunions---I only went to one. my 40th. And it was fun to see everyone who was still alive and there, BUT, being around some of the people made me feel just as I did back when I was in High School...And, it was not the happiest of years, for me....We are almost at the 65th....(Good Lord!!!).
I hope you have a WONDERFUL time, my dear Judy!

Gilly said...

You've done well in only 18 days! We still had boxes in the garage after a year!!

We've only ever had one school reunion from my High School - and I didn't go!

Arkansas Patti said...

Sounds like you have the "moving beast" almost tamed. Phew.
Have fun at your reunion. I have two schools that claim me since we moved a lot, but both are too far away to make the trip.

Anonymous said...

I have never gone back to my school since the day I left. I do pass it on occasions when staying with my sister. I only know of one reunion in all that time, but thankfully I was ill at the time so no fibs were needed.

Granny Annie said...

You have accomplished a lot in 18 days plus. Surely someone is helping you with the unpacking.

This Saturday I go to a pre 50th high school reunion gathering. Just a bunch of girls and their spouses before our big bash next year. It will be our second and I am looking forward to it...if I can gain the strength to actually get in my little zippy truck and make the three hour drive without my travel partner.

Pat said...

I hope it lived up to your expectations.
I did it once and am glad but getting there would be too difficult now and I am in touch with the ones I cared about - the ones who are still alive that is.

tiff said...

Have fun at the reunion!

Ginnie said...

It sounds like you're getting a handle on the move ! My one and only reunion was my 50th and, although it was fun, I've never had the interest in another. I wonder who is surviving now that I am up to my 63rd !!

LL Cool Joe said...

We don't tend to have school reunions in the UK, thank God. I hated school the first time around have no desire at all to revisit those days.

But I sure hope you have fun!