Tuesday, July 09, 2013

July 9, 2013

Ask me today if I know what total exhaustion is and I can truthfully answer YES!"

My three children gathered here this morning and my son rented a 14' truck. I had been packing off and on for the last 4-5 days, and the children (and one grandchild) loaded the truck and loaded the truck and loaded the truck - and then unloaded the truck for what seemed like hours on end.

We absolutely cannot thank them enough for helping.

We are all very tired and I am certain that sore muscles will be the order of the day tomorrow. I am looking forward to a hot bath later tonight and a deep, untroubled sleep. 

Tomorrow the windows are being washed here - all 38 of them. I am rather happy to be moving to a townhouse that has only 16 windows, most ofcwhich are easy to reach and easy to clean.

The movers will let me know what day they are coming. I hope it is soon. We need for this to be over. Although it won't be over for me for months; once all our stuff is at the townhouse, I still need to try and figure out where to put it all. No one could believe that we have already had an estate sale and a garage sale, had two charities pick up nearly a garage full and I dropped off stuff at a third. Plus, we gave our children and grandchildren first dibs on the furniture that we couldn't use in the new place. There is no bonus in life for being a pack rat; too bad I didn't learn that earlier.

Good news......I had a call from the insurance company covering the wreck I was in last April  (hit from the rear) and they will have a check for me tomorrow. It was a long negotiation, but I will receive a good bit more than they offered me in the beginning. It's good that I had time to wait and bargain with them. It helps to have a person in the family who is in the insurance business!

That's the news from JustAskJudy........what's new with you?


OldLady Of The Hills said...

Just reading about ALL you have had to do these last months puts me into my bed! I don't know how you have done it, my dear....I hope you can catch up a little once you have actually moved, before you have to unpack all of the boxes...!
Sleep Well, my dear!

LL Cool Joe said...

Down sizing must be hard work. I'm not looking forward to moving from here, I think it will involve many trips to the dump!

Good news about the insurance company!

Gilly said...

Judy, that made me tired just reading it! I hope all the rest of the move goes well, with nothing broken and everything fitted in the new house!

And I must say exchanging 38 windows for 16 sounds like a very good move!

Pat said...

What a wise move. You will miss the deer but life will get so much easier. Good move Judy.

Celia said...

Good job with the insurance company. Hope you get rested up for the next step of moving in. Take care of yourselves and congrats on your new home.

Arkansas Patti said...

Downsizing is brutal, only out done by the actual moving. I feel for you. I did it 8 years ago and the one great result from the total move was a loss of 15 pounds and gain of some new found muscles.
Hope the restful part hits soon.

kenju said...

Patti, despite my nearly constant movement over the last month +, I have not logged any weight loss at all, in fact, I think I may have gained some - as my pants are all getting too tight. It isn't supposed to happen that way!

Kay Dennison said...

Sounds like you're doing just fine & that makes me happy!!!