We met for lunch and I think we clicked right away (I could be wrong, since I am old enough to be their mother, but I hope not). It is interesting how well and easily you can converse with people you have not met before, but only know through their blogs. We plan to announce the formation of the HIRABA (as Tiff named it), meaning the Highly Irrational Raleigh Area Bloggers Association. We are not really irrational, but seeing as how we braved high winds and driving rain to meet each other.......well.....you get the picture. I think we should call it (HI) RABA.
Tiff's blog is http://noaccentyet.blogspot.com
Renn's is http:// rennratt.blogspot.com
I owe them a debt of gratitude for introducing me to the Dream Burger. I highly recommend the single cheeseburger - and if you order it "wild style" they will add mustard to the meat before they cook it, which Renn says is great! I forgot to ask for that this time, but you can bet I will remember next time I go there. The fries are very good as well.
NOTE: If you are a Raleigh - Durham - Chapel Hill area blogger (or further afield) please let one of us know if you are interested in a casual get-together after the first of the year.
P.S. Starting tomorrow, for almost 2 weeks, I will be decorating various clubs, restaurants and homes for Christmas, and I will not be able to keep up my daily schedule of blogging. So if I don't get around to read and comment, you'll know why. See you soon.

You will take your camera with you to the decorating, yes? I know your flowers will be just fabulous and you MUST share the beauty. I am hoping to go up and see the Williamsburg decorations in another week. And go to the art museum on campus... they have a Medici collection and a Caravaggio on display.
What fun to have met those bloggers! I will check their blogs out :)
Hope you will be sharing your decorations here! I just "decorated" my blog and I am ready for Xmas now !
Isn't it amazing how people that you've never met apart from on their blogs, turn out to be pretty much like you expected them? This never ceases to surprise me!
I was tempted to call you when we were lost in Raleigh last month. Maybe you could have helped become unlost.
It is nice to meet other bloggers. My wife and I met The Aging Hipster and his wife Bird on a weekend trip this summer.
Enjoy being busy!
Tht sounds fun!
What fun!! I've only met one blogger (Deni Bonet, the Last Girl on Earth) but it was great.
I'll be flying over you on the way back from Florida (flying down was a horror...you guys were having a No'reaster and we got tossed around in the sky so badly that people were CRYING on the plane!).
Hope the weather improves!
Here via michele, Judy!
i haven't met any other bloggers, except people i already knew! but i'm also new to blogging. i don't like to advertise where i live b/c it's a very small town and rural area, so i don't know if there are other bloggers around here or not. the burger joint sounds great- it's hard to beat a good burger!! fuddruckers is my favorite for that, but we don't have any nearby.
I LOVED the meeting! I rather enjoyed being around someone old enough to be my mother. My mother was a riot to be around, and other people regularly had a chance to hang out and laugh with HER.
I look forward to meeting again - when I don't have to leave to head back to work.
Maybe a weekend playdate next time? To shop?
It's so much fun meeting other bloggers and I'm glad you had the opportunity. Unfortunately, I'm a tad too far here in Florida to meet you gals for lunch, but if I'm in your area, I'll let you know.
Sounds like you have your work cut out for you! Don't overdo...make sure you take the time to stop and SMELL those flowers.
Here from Michele.
I looked it up on the net and I can't find a Dream Burger around here. We have a Five Guys but no Dream Burger. It sounds really good though.
Waiting for Christmas flower and decoration pictures. Should I see what Williamsburg has to offer this year and post them?
Hi! I'm here via Blog Fodder :)
That's so nice :)
What fun for you to meet local bloggers!
I well remember that Girl Scout song!
We used to sing it in rounds..
The Burgers sound great!
I guess we have something like your Raleigh area bloggers society here in my area but from Colleens blog I have found it meets on Thursday & I work that day. Sounds like fun though.
Here from Micheles
It was an occasion to be repeated over and over. Mmmm, Dream Burgers! And even better, a new friend!
Good luck with all the business (or, busy-ness?). Hope to see you again after the new year!
When we come up to visit the girls, I'll let you know and we'll have to get together. Dream Burger must be new since I lived in Wake Forest... but it sounds divine. Glad you had fun and maybe it will work into a regular thing. And... thanks a lot for introducing me to two NEW blogs. I'll never get that book finished!!!
I've been to both their blogs, Judy, but I've not met them in person. Nor anyone else, for that matter. So far I've never met anyone that I knew from a blog. That might be because I'm rather antisocial...
Thanks for the recos, Judy. Any blog-friend of yours will soon be a blog-friend of mine.
I haven't met any bloggers for real just yet. Maybe that'll change someday...
OH, I would LOVE to see what you decorate. Love holiday decorations. :)
Sounds like a grand time was had by all! Sorry I missed it!
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