Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Quote of the Week

"If you would tell me the heart of a man, tell me not what he reads but what he rereads." by Francois Mauriac, quoted in Light from Heaven by Jan Karon


  1. That's so true. There's nothing like a well-loved book to tell a story about the person...

  2. ohhh, love this one!!g

  3. A very interesting saying..I never heard that before Judy...And I believe it definitely true, too!

  4. That true.
    I re-read all my MAD comic books many times.

  5. Michele says hi today. Great quote :)

  6. Have to say, I really can't recall ever rereading a book. Might have had good intentions to do so some day (my shelves are filled with those intentions) but there always seems to be another book to be read for the first time.

  7. I Know this Much is True, By Wally Lamb, and The Stand, by Stephen King. Hmmm..does this mean my heart will be diseased and go crazy??? Yike! Here from Michele's today!

  8. The true could be said of music! What music they listen to the most.

  9. On my list or books I have read and reread: To Kill A Mockingbird, The Secret Garden, The Swiss Family Robinson, and The Giver

    I forgot Goodnight Moon but I read that so many times to Nyssa that we both know it by heart.


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