Monday, May 22, 2006

Greener Pastures

Those greener pastures I mentioned in yesterday's post are just down the road a bit. The 3 men who developed our neighborhood 35 years ago lived here for a while; probably 10-12 years. I was told they got bored with the area and tired of hearing complaints and people asking for road repairs and streetlight replacements, so they moved on.

They owned land, lots of land, not far from here. They cleared part of it, built three mansions, several pools, a 9-hole golf course and a caretaker's home and moved in to this compound, which is so private it cannot be seen from the road. In fact, if you didn't know it was there, you'd never figure it out. The caretaker's home is a lovely, small (by comparison) white, clapboard cottage with grass that is so green you'd almost swear it isn't real. I don't think they have sheep, like in the pic above, but it is similar, with low, rolling hills.

The only clue that there may be more to the property is the large gate to the left rear of the white house, and the 4 huge rolling garbage cans that go out by the street every week. If you saw those 4 cans, and didn't know how many people live there, you'd think they had thrown one heck of a party!

Note: the photo above is one I found on the web - it is not my neighborhood.


  1. Well that is a beautiful place in that photograph, wherever it is. When I first looked at it I thought, Oh they have sheep there...LOL...It is fascinating the things people do like those men devekoping this whole thing and then getting out of it...Would love to see pictures of their houses...!

  2. Judy,
    Have you thought about going to google and looking at the compound from the air? It should be interesting.

  3. Your neighborhood must be real pretty!

    I was thinking along the same lines as et in the comment above me. You can then click on "satellite" and hybrid for other interesting angles.
    Maybe you'll even see your neighbors in the picture! LOL.

    for the record, I googled our address, but the satellite picture must be well over 5 years old. Many changes to the neighborhood in that short period of time.

  4. Sounds like a beautiful place. The photo you did find is just heavenly. Makes my spring fever kick in.

    Michele sent me over.

  5. "Down the road a bit..." reading those words put a huge smile on my face. I haven't heard that expression since I left home (Virginia) 20 years ago. Are you originally from NC?

  6. That is a pretty sight! Kind of reminds me of Tazewell, Virginia countryside too.

  7. I love grass that is jewel green. Perfect for toes.

  8. I had that view out of my kitchen window in Oklahoma. Yes it is FLAT in Oklahoma but just beyond our house was a slight rise, that qualifies as a hill there. True, most of the time it was not that green and was grazed by cattle rather than sheep, but it was empty. At night I could hear the coyotes howling. (Max would have freaked out there) The only problem was the time they mowed the field. Suddenly, there were tarantulas all in the yards and patios trying to escape. Snakes and spiders.... Two creatures I don't take a cotton to.

  9. Oooohhh..a mysterious compound! Why don't you sneak in some night and take some pictures for us ;)

  10. I bet that's some compound inside. I remember the Kennedy Compound in Hyannis. Some people (famous or not) just love that isolation.

  11. I love isolation, but I'm stuck in the city.

  12. Green acres is the place... (sing along!!)

  13. Sounds like a lovely property!


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