Monday, May 29, 2006

Memorial Day

Mr. kenju and I just had a typically American meal for Memorial Day:

Hotdogs on the grill, with chili, saurkraut, mustard, coleslaw and onions; potato salad, baked beans and toasted buns!

I am stuffed to the gills and I know that later I will heavily regret eating raw onions. They do not like me at all! Ordinarily we would have a deck and pool full of friends and family today, but all three children are off to their own devices, as are the grandchildren. That doesn't bother me, since I am still bagged from the weekend wedding work.

Have you had a celebration or special meal today? What was it?


  1. Hello, Michele sent me!

    I had nachos and white rice for lunch...I have the holiday spirit in me, don't I? ;)

  2. Judy,
    We painted and worked in the yard, which took up all our time. We had left over barbecue chicken from cooking out yesterday and stir-fry veggies.
    Watch those onions!

  3. Just a fairly quiet day---no special meal will be a part of my day today...Hopefully just some yummy deliciousness! I love the picture of all those goodies Judy...I bet everything tasted scruptious...Grilled Hot Dogs! A perfect Memorial Day meal.

  4. Nothing special nor spectacular here. Just anything I didn't actually have to cook.

  5. P.S. The wedding and rehearsal flowers were beautiful!

  6. My son and I went shopping today to get stuff for him to go to summer camp. We got home and everyone was hungry, so I just tossed Pizza Rolls and Crispy Fries into the oven. It was a no fuss, frozen dinner... no frills.

  7. Our typical BBQ at my parents. My husband is overseas on business and so it wasn't quite the same "holiday" feel as usual, but it was nice.

    I, however, didn't do the hot dog thing. I feel short changed. ;)

    Here from Michele's.

  8. We had ribs and steamed veggies. They did grocery shopping, I did Walmart and Home Depot looking for replacement casters. No luck. The girl made it to the plane and is now winging her way back and losing precious hours along the way. I hope she gets a little sleep between the island and LA and from there to Dallas. She said she washed herself off with a hose and cold water and did wash her hair with same. I will be at the airport to see her come off the ramp and I WILL have a camera, and I WILL get a picture of this. She said one girl's shoes melted on the lava but hers fared well. She packed enough, used 97% of what she took and didn't overpack at all. I think it was a success.

  9. I would kill for this kind of food. But it would take me three months to burn it off.


  10. We did brauts and hotdogs sunday. I spent yesterday washing linens and house cleaning after everyone left to go back home.

    I love a hotdog on the grill with all the fixin's.

  11. Mine was the same as yours minus the kraut.

  12. Here from Michele this time.
    Your hot dog is making me hungry and I made sure Max didn't see it. He thinks anything in your hand is edible. Rocks, gloves, camera... not the brightest crayon in the box about some things. I have to take him for his CBC this morning and then am off to the airport to collect the wandering gnome and then back to Williamsburg to unload. Load and unload. That seems to be life around here right now.

  13. Hi Judy
    Just checking in - the flowers are awesome. Having watched my Mum doing arrangements for years. I am truely in awe.
    Hope that you are feeling better now that you have had time to relax.

  14. We had a similar meal as yours. I wish we would have had all the fixins that you had though. Yum.

  15. We went to a cook-out at my mother's place. I opted for the fruit salad and baked beans in lieu of burgers and brats.
    My mom made such a pretty fresh fruit bowl (with kiwi and pineapple!) and her bean dish included nine kinds of beans!

  16. My son amazed me by making some delicious burgers. I figured he would just throw the meat on the grill, but he seasoned them up using a variety of things including bbq sauce. Guess he learned a few things living on his own.


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