Sunday, May 28, 2006

Bad Grammar Continues.....

I forgot to mention that on the long gravel road up to the wedding site this weekend, someone had posted a sign along the way saying:

"Drive Slow"

Written under that in magic marker were two words I loved:

"use adverbs"

You should know that at least two of the people who live on that road are college professors. I was appalled at the sign and very happy at the graffiti!


  1. Funny graffiti! I sometimes write to webmasters and let them know about spelling and grammatical errors, I'm a real pain in the you-know-what, aren't I?
    Here from Michele's.

  2. LOL, LOL, LOL! Love that...Who do you suppose actually wrote the first sign???

  3. I've laughed at the sign we have named 'Police Slow'.

    Michele sent me here.

  4. Which one is a professor of English?
    LOL, this is too funny.

  5. This is very funny, indeed. I laughed about the sign- and it reminded me of a construction sign we see in the U.P. sometimes. It reads: "Kill a worker, 5,000 fine" Graffiti has transformed it to "Find a worker, 5000. reward."

    So here is a question for you, Ms. Correct Grammar: Did you leave an an off an anathema in a comment you left at SRP's?

    Those wedding flowers! Take my breath away! I love the simplicity and elegance of the table vases. Good work!

  6. Highway Maintenance will not be amused that somebody wants them to waste paint. "Drive Slow" is understandable, therefore adding two extra letters will cost the taxpayers billions over the course of a decade or so.

    Oh, well. Graffitists are very funny. And very accurate.

  7. Well, at least the sign didn't say: "Y'all Drive Slow".

    And I think Hoss done has a good point about them taxpayer dollers! ;)

  8. I love it! I'm not a bit suprised to hear it was done in the Chapel Hill area. Here via Michele again!

  9. I absolutely LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! Thank you for sharing that.

    Oh, it's wonderful.

  10. Your right. I see alot of grammar mistakes. Spelling to.

  11. OMG! I Love this! As an editor/writer, there's nothing that irks me more than seeing adjectives used where adverbs should appear.

  12. Adverbs should be used liberally and enthusiastically!


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