Thursday, May 18, 2006

Breaking News......

I just found this story about a home, belonging to Frank Pritt which will top all sales records if it is sold for the asking price.

Can you believe I went to high school with this guy? I have a photo of me taken with him at the last reunion, but since my scanner is broken - I can't show you! Darn!

Go read about it!


  1. 75 million for any house, even a "palace" like that is just insane, Judy. Talk about conspicuous consumption! On the other hand, it's pretty neat that you know him.

    Michele sent me to see you.

  2. And I thought prices around here were outrageous, with homes selling for over 1 million ...I'd love to see that home, though! sorry my link didn't work for you, I checked and it is fine...:(
    Happy friday!!

  3. Hi Judy ~~ Tat must be some house and I
    hope we see a picture etc. When you get your scanner going. Glad you liked the
    Sheldon joke. Take care, Merle.

  4. 75 million!
    That is too much and keep it a home.

  5. What did they say about him in the high schoo; yearbook? I am here from Michele, but I would have been here anyway. Wonder why he's selling? I assume he will be down sizing?

  6. Star: he was a football star and that is about all I remember, except his monumental ego.

  7. Unbelievable, isn't it?? It all seems out of wack! Compltely and utterly out of wack...I can't even fathom any home worth $5 Million, let alone 75 Million! There is something obscene about this whole bloody thing, don't you think?

  8. That is one pricey home! Perhaps you could contact him, and try to convince him that you were best friends in high school, and that he promised to remmeber you if he ever "made it big." And of course, giving you that "trophy home" would certainly qualify!

  9. Whew...unreal that a "house" would sell for that price. It'll be interesting to see if it does actually sell.
    I think this qualifies you as knew him when. With that ego, sounds like it only got larger as he got older.

  10. You should have been better friends!

  11. so how much does the one he's buying cost?

  12. the property tax kills the deal. lol

  13. Well I'll be damned if that don't cut the biscuit. A gen-yoo-ine celebrity mucka muck known to my Judy. It gets barely better than this.

  14. Let's figure out a way to ask him for a small loan.

  15. why should he loan us money, we would NEVER pay it back- lets ask him for a gift

  16. I saw this on our local news a couple of days ago. Why would ANYONE pay $75 million for a house? Can you imagine how many people from the Katrina damaged area could be housed with this money?

    It's criminal. It really sickens me. It's SUCH an ostentatious statement. Blech!

    Here via Michele

  17. Thanks for stoppin' by my place from Michele's!

  18. One of my highschool classmates, who was also a neighbor, won a million in the lottery.

  19. I hope he's using some of his millions to help those in need. Even Bill Gates has a big heart to match his pocketbook,,,(and I don't think his house is more than 50 mill.!)(LOL)

  20. A 30,000 sq. foot home??!!!


    I'd get lost in there!


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