Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Funeral Expenses

A Woman's husband dies. He had $30,000 to his name. After everything
is done at the funeral home and cemetery, she tells her closest friend
that there is none of the $30,000 left.

The friend says, "How can that be?

The widow says, "Well, the funeral cost me $6,500. And of course I
made a donation to the church. That was $500, and I spent another $500
for the wake, food and drinks, you know. .. The rest went for the
memorial stone."

The friend says, "$22,500 for the memorial stone? My God, how big is

The widow says, "Three carats".


  1. I like that. After I am gone I hope my wife purchases a memorial stone of that nature.

  2. Funeral prices have gone up since this joke was written!!! Its insane. The prices that is, not the joke.

    Well, the joke WAS insanely funny though!!!

  3. FUNNY!! I'll take one of those too!
    Make mine an emerald or my birthstone, sapphire.

  4. LOL, LOL...Very Funny!!! Well, why not? If "Stones" are your passion...make yourself happy. (They don't happen to be mine but I can think of other things that might fill in very very nicely...(lol)

  5. I don't know if that would buy three carats nowdays. Too funny.

  6. Very funny, Judy. At least this way she'd see his memorial every day.

  7. LOL!! I'd never thought of that kind of "stone." I really must talk my hubby out of being cremated & scattered at sea ;D

  8. Hi Judy, how remiss of me to miss this little gem.

  9. Hilarious ... but you know something? It almost makes sense! :)


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