Tuesday, March 28, 2006


This song has been a favorite of mine since the 50's, though it was copyright in 1933. It is a beautiful piano solo (if the pianist is good). Parts of it are written in 4 sharps, and I was never good at deciphering that!

I also love the look of this sheet music; the graphics and lettering are art deco, which has always intrigued me.

"When your heart's on fire, you must realize.......smoke gets in your eyes." Posted by Picasa


  1. I know this one. It always sounds so smooth and easy and soothing. Love it. You're right that cover sheet is gorgeous.

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE This sheet music. I have that, too, Judy...It is the Original Sheet music and depending on the shape it's on a collector might be v-e-r-y intertested..(Not that you may even want to sell it...) I really love all the Original Sheet Music with the great Art Work, like this one...

  3. When I was very young, about 3 -- so it would have been in 1947 -- my mother had a small wooden music box that played "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes" and "Tea for Two." She was tall and beautiful and a 34-year-old World War II widow. I don't know where the music box is now, but I can still hear her singing the lyrics to the tinkling of the music box. She is 92 now, still alert, and still beautiful, and she still remembers the words to "Smoke..." because I called her before I wrote this, and she sang them to me. Thank you for the moment.

  4. I agree, this is a great instrumental. I miss what came to be called, in derogatory terms, "elevator music" of which this tune could have been one. To me, they were great melodies that created a mood, didn't clutter up the mind with words, could create words of my own or pictures if I so desired.

    Your piano sheet music reminds me of all my mother had accumulated through the 20's on. She, sadly, had to part with her piano and the sheet music during one of our moves when I was a pre-teen. Ever after,I would sometimes hear her say, "Oh, I had that," when a particular song was on the radio, later TV.

    An old antique pump organ was never a very good substitute for her piano, plus her beloved sheet music was long since gone.

  5. I love things like this, just to look at them. The song below reminds me of "always look on the bright side of your life..." LOL

  6. Some interesting choices in music there Judy, can only agree.

  7. I don't know the song but I get the meaning....clouded vision when you are in love?

    Michele says "hi" today.

  8. Good memories indeed. I liked this song before the version the Platters did.


  9. Hi Judy! It's been way too long since I've stopped by. Sorry about that!

    I love this song. I didn't hear it until it was used in American Graffiti and then I fell in love with it. Very cool.

    I used to work for a sheet music publisher for many years, so I can appreciate these gorgeous covers.

    Have a great day!

  10. I love this song and I remember playing it on the piano when I was still in high school. In fact, I remember singing it sorrowfully and with great drama everytime some young guy broke my heart which happened more often than I can remember because I sang it alot. The graphics are superb.


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