Friday, February 24, 2006

An "Ouch" I Won't Soon Forget

Having recently written about being dropped by my previous doctor, I think the new one is fair game too! She is relatively young and very attractive. She asked all the right questions, said all the right stuff, but she needs a lesson or two in the comfortable insertion of a speculum. Good God Almighty that hurt!!

I have been getting pelvic exams since I was in college, and outside of the first one, which was made worse by fear of the unknown, I have never experienced such ineptitude. I assume it was ineptitude - maybe it was nonchalance. I suppose that her technique will get better with age and experience; I just hope that the next time I need a pelvic exam, she will have lots of other notches on her bedpost!

She told me that I am in fairly good health for my age, but of course, I will need some tests to confirm that diagnosis. For example, a mammogram (which I lovingly refer to as the smasho-mammo), a bone-density test (the last one was perfect), a colonoscopy (UGH!) a CBC, cholesterol checks, a heart-stress test and I need an eye exam as well as a hearing test (which will confirm what we already know - I am losing my hearing!)

Being the good sport that I am, I will endure the testing since I know it is for my own good. Despite her inability to insert a speculum without pain on my part, there is one thing for which I will be thankful - that she takes patients who are 65 and over. I had heard that it would be difficult to obtain medical services if you are 65 and don't have a doctor. I never thought that situation would befall me, but then, I never thought I would be dropped by a doctor just because I reached that age either. So I will tolerate her inefficiency with a speculum, because that is highly preferable to no doctor at all.


  1. YIKES! I can't stand those visits, but ineptitude makes it so much worse.

    Hope it gets better.

    Michele sent me!

  2. I HATE GYN exams!!! I have to practice deep breathing because I have so much anxiety.

  3. Hi 1udy

    I feel for you, it should not have hurt you. That doctor has a lot to learn but she certainly is thorough.

    Have you ever had a colonoscopy? Once in five years is enough unless there was a problem that showed up on the previous one.

    Good luck on all.the tests and getting squashed too.

  4. Ouch! I hate it when that happens.

    I had not idea that doctors could drop people for being a certain age. Sounds illegal.

  5. OH.
    other than the obligatory pap schmeer I haven't had all the others. I'm happily avoiding!
    Good luck!
    Here via Michele's!

  6. Doctors can drop you because of your age?? Really? I mean, pediatricians, maybe...but general doctors can just up and refuse to see you because you don't meet the age requirement? EGADS!! That's horrible!

  7. I'm sorry it didn't go so well. Those kinds of appointments aren't fun even when the Dr is good!!

    My mom's doctor of many many years dropped her at 65 because she doesn't take medicare patients. Its unfortunate

  8. all i gotta say is "ewwwwwwww". i thoroughly HATE the pelvic exam. had my share of inept examiners in the past. luckily the past two have been smooth sailing. i hope the trend continues!
    i'm here from michele's! hope you have a great weekend!

  9. I'm so fed up with this health system. The last time I looked into it I found 3 primary care docs (and this in a city of over 300,000) that accept patients over 65. Seniors are out of luck even if they're covered by additional insurance since Medicare is always primary. If the older patient can pay cash the doctors will accept them but most medical offices will not bill any providers.
    We can just pray we stay healthy.

    Thanks for sharing, Kenju. I love your posts.

  10. Sorry to hear about your GYN experience. Unfortunately, Drs. can avoid seeing, or can drop Medicare age patients, but they always offer a different reason than because of age. Otherwise, it would be age discrimination, which we all know is illegal in any setting, so just doesn't happen, does it?

    The worst part of any colonoscopy I've ever had, has been the preparation (that stuff you have to drink) in the hours before you go to the hospital. Sure beats the old self-administered you-know-what insertion kit. Will drink the new prescribed liquid any day compared to that.

    My first bone density test, the guy measured me an inch shorter than what I am. Told him I thought there must be some mistake, that if I had shrunk that much, I was certain my slacks legs would be dragging the floor. He didn't offer to measure me again, but continued with his spiel. I immediately went home and had my son measure me which confirmed his error.
    Told my Dr., but his nurses aren't very good at measuring me either, never have me take off my shoes that have pretty thick heels.

    Obviously, we have to know what's going on with us, and not just take the professional's word for it.

  11. Oh, Please Dear God, deliver us from the ineptitude of the lousy speculum inserter....That could make you never ever want to go to the doctor again...! You would think that a woman doctor would take special care with this examination, being a woman herself and having to go through this too! Go figure!

  12. My wife had her annual gyn two weeks ago, which her doctor is a female, but she says it is still humiliating and besides that it hurts.
    Speaking of which, I am overdue to get my oil checked.

  13. Judy, whoa... I didn't realize doctor's could just drop you. That's really something to think about as I get up there in years.

    My doctor (who I absolutely LOVED)recently sent out a suprise postcard announcing his retirement from practice. The man is younger than I! This was a shock ... I thought perhaps he had taken ill himself with some terminal thing, but was glad to learn he's gone into some sort of administrative position at our local hospital. Still, I'm in the market now for a general practitioner AGAIN and I'm not happy about it.

    Best of luck to you with all the yucky tests.

  14. I won't touch your examine... but don't you hate it when you're told you're in good shape for your age... I had x-rays on my spine this week and the doctor said that it was fine, just a bit of arthritis in my middle back, but that should be expected for someone of my age. Good grief, how old does he think I am?

  15. Wow, I didn't know a doctor would just drop you over age. Good luck on all of those other lovely tests. Michele sent me.

  16. Oh dear. Of all things to have done without regard for the patient, that would be the worst!

  17. That nasty old Dr. I had when I first got pregnant did me like that!! Did you get the part where I said I was pregnant at the time? I am sorry you had an equally poor experience.

  18. Enigma: she used a plastic one (disposable) and she put lube on it, but not enough, I suppose. The plastic ones don't need to be warmed up. I hate the thought of those things clogging up our landfills!

  19. Is it the thing they stick up your fanny that feels as if they are opening an umbrella inside you? After the last one I decided to eschew that for the duration. You are virtually ignored here (UK) once you are over 65 as far as preventative medecine is concerned.
    I too am suffering hearing loss as is my husband who also has started to drop his voice. Sometimes it is quite hilarious. You have to laugh or go mad.

  20. I think OB/GYN's do the speculum thing better than the GP because they do it all day, every day. GP's don't.
    In med school we did the phlebotomy at Parkland every day, so I got good at it. Now, I wouldn't let me within ten miles of an arm vein. Way out of practice.

  21. I recently had my female exam by a new doctor too. He is a little Chinese man, and he is gentle and good at what he does. I felt comfortable and not terribly awkward during the exam. I felt no pain whatsoever. I'm glad I found someone I feel comfortable wiith.
    If her poor skill of "insertion" is her only weakness, then your new doc isn't that bad. I hope you told her that it was painful, so she will be more careful from now on.

  22. Ugh! I had mine on Valentines Day, lol! She kept saying "relax" but how could I? She'd just pounded the crap outta my breasts and pinched my nipples off, then I was supposed to "relax" while having a pair of shoe horns shoved in there... lol! But at least all is well so now I can "relax". My mammy-slam is next week though, providing I'm over this pneumonia.

  23. Glad you found a new doctor. Hope she does get more experience before your next appointment. Did she realize she was rough?

  24. Maybe ask her if she's ever done it to herself so she can know how it feels?

  25. Well, at least the results were good. Continued health to you.

  26. As to your mentioning of a stress test. If you are talking about a tread-mill test, they aren't very informative for females--or so my physicians have told me (after they had had me take one plain treadmill test, followed by a much more expensive thalium-treadmill test (the tests were required by my place of employment). You might want to discuss the cost/benefit ratio of the various tests with your physician before just automatically pencilling them into your schedule. Physicians are prone to throwing every test in the book at you so as not to be sued for lack of diligence. If you let them know that you're not into testing for the fun of it (what will you/they do differently on the basis of the testing results?), you may find that some of the tests are not really useful.
    Cop Car

  27. I was assuming she IS a gynocologist?? (someone else here commented about GPs doing internals). No excuse for that kind of ineptitude, if you ask me.

    I'm getting my bone density test next Saturday, Judy! Thankfully my gyno said I can hold off on the colonoscopy. Thank GAWD for small favors.


    Here via michele today!


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